Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Let's Chat


My bedroom windows are dirty! Maybe we'll get a mild day and we can get them cleaned! The view of the barn is pretty, though!

This week with school, we've shifted into a modified schedule. History, Math (for Kam and Klaire), Science (for Kyle), reading, and then projects. Yesterday Kam and Klaire both painted. Today, I think we are going to bake. We may do school through the 20th, that's the day Sarah comes home, and then we are on Christmas Break! Our break will run into the first week of the new year, as we have our anniversary on January 2nd. It's a big one this year!

Tim and I usually go away for a few days around our anniversary. This year I was thinking that it'd be fun to have a party, too. We need to decide soon!

My nephew and his beautiful family have added to their family through adoption again! Another gorgeous boy! 

This is what the silver plate cups looked like on Saturday before I polished them. 

And this is the after.

Much better!

I  washed my hair Saturday night, and put mousse in it. I curled it with a curling iron on Sunday morning and sprayed it to hold those fine baby hairs. Yesterday I brushed it. This morning I brushed it and sprayed it again. It's a bit wild but it's okay. 

At 59 I'm freckled, and have some dry skin. So skin care wise I use a mild cleaner for my skin, and then I use a drop or two of Jojoba oil and a drop or two of Frankincense essential oil on my face. Then if I use make up (which I have here), I use a light foundation, fill in my eyebrows a bit, mascara and a bit of color on my outer cheeks. That's it. Oh I have a creamy light toned eye color on as well.

I'd love to hear what you do for your skin care. I'm not sure I want to use anything chemical based on my skin, but I'd love to know what you use!  


Vee said...

๐Ÿ˜ Okay, here goes: Oil of Olay facial lotion, ELF light foundation, fill in my non-existent eyebrows with brow powder, a bit of color on my cheeks, some lip gloss, some brown eyeliner so my eyes don't get lashes left and I refuse to wear fake ones. Yes, well it's a look. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Aren't you glad that you asked?

The silver is sparkling! And you're looking lovely, too.

A good plan for schoolwork. I'd be tempted to call it this Friday, though I suppose every day counts. ๐ŸŽ„

So Much Glory said...

Definitely frankincense oil and jojoba! My skin has never been better.....and I'm 61. I'm with you on minimizing chemicals. A little foundation and cheek color and gotta put the eyebrows back on! No eye makeup anymore because of sensitive eyes and dry eye.
Polishing silver must feel satisfying when you view the end result!

Theresa said...

What a beautiful family❤️ I use Clinique products and have for years. I tried a number of things and stuck with Clinique. My hair is fine and I have to use mousse. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas๐ŸŽ„. Hugs

Cheryl said...

Congrats to your nephew and his family on their sweet new addition!

School is winding down for a season. Bekah's last final is tomorrow, so even though we're not homeschooling, the schedule will look a little different around here. It's always good to have a break.

To clean my skin, I use Neutrogena face wipes (or the comparable Target brand when available). I use Cetaphil eye cream at night. Make-up is my friend!

Kim said...

Congratulations! Babies are wonderful, and even more wonderful at Christmastime! Another Clinique fan here. I know it's full of chemicals, but it's one of the only things that doesn't bother my skin and sometimes, with my allergies, natural products give me issues. Your skin looks great!

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...