Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 29, 2023

Information Friday


Good Morning Friends! 

I just took this photo of the Christmas tree and even with editing, the light pouring in the front window is messing with the photo. I'm not complaining as we have had grey skies and rain off and on for weeks.

I hope you all had a delightful Christmas. I try to hold Christmas Day loosely, and not have tons of expectations, as some years don't go as I would want them to go. 

I'm realizing that my kids may choose to not hang on to traditions that we've long had, and that is really okay. I've been the maker of Christmas for nearly 36 years in our family, and I don't have to hold on to it for dear life. I can still make Christmas for my household, for myself even, and let others do their thing! It's freeing.

One change I brought this year was cooking brisket rather than a ham for our meal. Everyone loved this idea and it turned out great! We just finished the meat last night with brisket sandwiches! Yum!

I have some things to share today that caught my eye. Already there is craziness abounding as the left tries desperately to keep Trump from being president again. I pray for the safety of DJT and his family.

Ever wondered why Republicans don't fight the dems more? Also do you remember that the feds broke up a prostitution ring a few months ago? It implicated politicians and military officers. {Here} is a link to the story.

2024 is going to be crazy and I believe it will be scary. The deep state will do anything to keep their power. But as the people wake up and rise - all over the world - the ds has never been exposed for what they plan for the people. People want to be free. Imagine what our lives would be like without so many taxes, and regulations. What if housing was affordable?

The globalist deep state wants slaves, and that's what we've been/are. 

I'm praying big prayers for our nation. No wars. We want peace.

I hope you are leaning into the one who loves you best. God our creator.  Hold on to him. 

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 22, 2023

A Merry Christmas Kitchen Tour!


You've asked and been patient and today I am going to share the kitchen with you! I really wanted to have the hutch in the kitchen and all set up before I shared but I don't know when that is going to happen, so today is the day for the tour!

I made a video reel for Instagram, but had to use different music for it here.

I also took quite a few photos to share. The kitchen is my favorite room of the addition and Tim's is the garage! LOL!

I made the sugar cookies the other day, and last night our Amish neighbors brought us some cookies they had made!

The area where we have the coffee bar is the 'redneck' corner of the kitchen. Once I have my hutch it will look nicer. I am grateful for it all!

Tonight we are having a dinner party with family friends. I am going to set a pretty table and I'll be sure to get lots of photos.

I love Christmas. Jesus' birth means everything to the world. He came to die to bring us eternal life. His coming was the greatest gift.

There are so many hard things in the world right now, but God is with us, Emmanuel! 



The Mighty God!

The Ever Lasting Father!

The Prince of Peace!

I pray you know the peace of God. 

Merriest Christmas from my family to yours!

Monday, December 18, 2023



I hope you are savoring the season, friends. This is the table I have in my kitchen. This little display with silver and fir and dried oranges, makes me very happy.

This weekend we attended the wedding of a dear friend of the family. 

It was a beautifully mild day and the sun was shining. It was an intimate family wedding and just right for this couple. We were honored to be included.

On Friday, I helped my friend Jen, the mother of the bride, with the wedding florals. This was the brides bouquet.

 Yesterday, we went to church, came home and made burgers, then had a relaxing day. It began to rain in the afternoon, and we ended up with 4 1/2 inches of rain before it ended this morning. The local creek is above it's banks. If it had been about 20 degrees cooler, we'd be snowed in!

Today, I am going to get groceries, and actually shopping for two weeks. We'll see if I can get the quantities of bread etc, right. 

This year for our Christmas Day meal, we are having brisket. I am cooking two brisket on Saturday, letting them cool completely and storing them in the fridge. I will keep all of the juices. On Christmas day I will put it all in a pan, pour the juices over the meat and heat it in the oven.

Usually we do a ham, but we decided to break away from the usual meal. Now we just have to decide on side dishes.

We don't eat a formal meal on Christmas. We put the food out midday and people can eat as they want. Our older kids drop in during the day, and they can eat if they want to as well.

This is one of my favorite carols.

I've been listening to carols, instrumental, and contemporary Christian Christmas music. These are the songs that make my heart sing during this season.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Information Friday


Tim and I went with my parents last night to a drive through light display. It was gorgeous!

Here is some great news! Let's all contact our Senators and let them know we want them to vote for this bill!

This is all a part of election interference. This is just 9 of the 65 journalists. They are the ones Americans' trusted to give us the facts. They lied over and over and created their own narratives about Trump. 

Fake News, indeed. They should all be charged with Seditious Conspiracy!

They all work together to tell a narrative, and many people believe it!

Again, here is a Dem lawyer saying Trump is going to overthrow our Democracy. That is projection and exactly what they've been doing!

Remember this panicked phone call from Biden to Ukraine? 

The Biden's had a lot going on in Ukraine, including biolabs.  I think Zelensky knows it and has been holding it over Biden's head.

Zelensky thinks we are an endless source of money for himself.

Biden and Zelensky have been asking for more money, when, according to Karine Jean-Pierre, there is about a billion dollars that they still have to use from previous funding.

Ha ha! It's horribly true!

Hunter, of course, didn't appear before congress this week. He made a weak statement on the steps of the capitol, and Swalwell was right by his side. 

The house voted this week to open an impeachment inquiry. The Dems didn't do that with Trump, they went straight to impeachment. The inquiry allows more subpoenas that have to be followed, and more investigative opportunities.

But just look at what we know already!

The media control of the narrative and their being in lockstep with the left allowed for a wrong view of J6 to be believed for a long time now.

The truth however is coming out and the American people realize they've been lied to!

This is a very important case. The DOJ has been improperly using a charge against J6 defendants that resulted in longer prison sentences. Jack Smith has two of these charges against Trump.

I'll end with this. Russia has repeatedly called out the democrat leadership for corruption in Ukraine against Russia, etc. Now it sounds as if he's waiting on Trump to return to end this conflict.

I hope you are all well, and enjoying the delights of the Christmas season! See you Monday!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...