Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Home School Convention

Yesterday we returned from two days at our statewide convention. This is such a wonderful time to be encouraged by the sheer number of people who are homeschooling their children! Also, I love to get my hands on books and materials and look them over to see if they are what we really want to use!

I appreciate the hard work of those who organize this event every year. My husband and I volunteer each year, it's a way for us to serve and help others.

One thing I see every year is ladies struggling to find the "right" thing. I know women who buy curriculum every year and then don't use it, because it doesn't "work". Or they want something different, new.

I think that Anna at has written an excellent essay on this.

Over the next several weeks I will share my home education "philosphy". I truly believe God has given us everything we need to home educate our own children!

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