Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mother's Elbows on My Bed

This is a poem in a new book I purchased at the recent curriculum fair.

I was but a youth and thoughtless,
As all youths are apt to be;
Though I had a Christian mother
Who had taught me carefully,
But there came a time when pleasure
Of the world came to allure,
And I no more sought the guidance
Of her love so good and pure.
Her tender admonitions fell
But lightly on my ear,
And for the gentle warnings
I felt an inward sneer.
How could I prove my manhood
Were I not firm of will?
No threat of future evil
Should all my pleasure kill.
But mother would not yield her boy
To Satan's sinful sway,
And though I spurned her counsel
She knew a better way.
No more she tried to caution
Of ways she knew its pain.
And though I guessed her heartache
I could not know its pain.
She made my room an altar,
A place of secret prayer,
And there she took her burden
And left it in His care.
And morning, noon, and evening
By that humble bedside low,
She sought the aid of Him Who
Best can understand a mother's woe.
And I went my way unheeding,
Careless of the life I led,
Until one day I noticed
Prints of elbows on my bed.
Then I saw that she had been there
Praying for her wayward boy,
Who for love of worldly pleasure
Would her peace of mind destroy.
While I wrestled with my conscience,
Mother wrestled still in prayer,
Till that little room seemed hallowed
Because so oft she met Him there.
With her God she held the fortress,
And thought not a word she said,
My stubborn heart was broken
By those imprints on my bed.
Long the conflict raged within me,
Sin against my mother's prayers.
While she daily met Him there.
And her constant love and patience
were like coals upon my head,
Together with the imprints
Of her elbows on my bed.
Mother-love and God-love
Are a combination rare,
And one that can't be beaten
When sealed by earnest prayer.
And so at last the fight was won,
And I to Christ was led,
And mother's prayers were answered
By her elbows on my bed.


May it be so......


Anonymous said...

Thank you for that poem. It spoke to my heart and this person put into words what my heart was like a few years back. I hope this has spoken to you D and has encouraged you in a way that is filled with hope. Bless you Dear Friend and sister.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It has encouraged me to keep on praying, and to never give up! It was a blessing to me.

I am thankful for understanding hearts. It gives me hope when I see what others have gone through and how God has worked!

Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

D, check out Beth Moore's Blog on my site and read the Red Bird story. It is about anger...

Unknown said...

What a nice takes a special mom to endure the trials of a child, but God gives you that child for a special reason. What I have come to know about being a christian mom through my mom is something to realize that we should never give up on our children and we should always hold on to them and guide them and to never give up on them.

Anonymous said...

"Never give up!"Ü

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...