Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What do you think?

I inherited this hutch that used to belong to my great grandmother. It is probably from the 20's or 30's, and I think it was mass produced. My great grandmother went to California with her family as a young girl, in a covered wagon, from Kansas. They settled in Coronado, near San Diego. She married my great grandfather who worked as an chiropractor and was for a long time the post master. She always had things very nice. Her home in San Diego was a delightful place. Sadly it is not in the family anymore.
This hutch has water damage to the veneer on several places on the front, which is why I usually have this battenburg tablecloth draped over it, as shown in the second picture.

This is usually how it looks, hiding the water damage.
I am wondering whether I should paint it. My parents were in Michigan last week and were in a cottage store and saw a hutch very similar that had been painted. I have been considering this for years but didn't want to if it were valuable. I think it mostly has just sentimental value. I would probably paint it white, as that goes with everything and I love white painted furniture, but then I could be bold and paint it red! That would really stand out and look smashing, but if I got tired of the red (gasp!) it would have to be repainted, which of course is no big deal.

So what do you think?


Anonymous said...

White not red! But that is only my opinion!

Anonymous said...

The hutch is lovely! If you do red, how about a deep brick red.

I like your bedroom colors below. I am a red/yellow fan. Our cottage is bright yellow with a red door!

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts: Since the hutch has sentimental value I doubt you'd sell it. If you had it appraised the worth would be lowered due to the extent of water damage. Therefore, you have no obligation to leave it as it is. Painting it would be the merciful and esthetically pleasing thing to do, imho. I suggest white to not only display your lovely dishes, etc., but also because white is my favorite color. ;o)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I would definately paint it white. If you want some red in it, you can allways paint the back inside red for a bit of color.


FrenchGardenHouse said...

Oh, it would be stunning white. (Red, too!) Painted furniture is so great, this hutch would be such a stunner painted. I know your great Grandmother would love the thought of you having it and loving it in your home.

No matter what you paint it, you can change it anytime you want!! I love the idea of painting the inside a different color. Or, wallpaper the inside! How fun, please share how it looks when you are done.
Lidy (the wife of a chiropractor)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you ladies, for all your imput. I was leaning toward the white myself, and Manuela I am going to give your suggestion of painting the inside red some real consideration.

I have the feeling though I will do all white, so that my tea collection will stand out!

Wow, now that I have decided to do it, I can hardly wait to get started.

I will, of course, post pictures as soon as possible.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

haus frau,

I forgot to say that my mother had the same thoughts, about the value and whether or not to paint it, as you did.

Oh and I do love all the white in your home! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Here is another suggestion. With all the woodworking people in your area, Have it restained and some of the damage fixed!


  This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellow...