Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Thoughts on Raising "Teens"
Friday, February 22, 2008
Why I Haven't Posted
Jennie Chancey has wonderful period patterns. I, not being sure I was up to her original pattern, purchased the regency pattern that she did for Simplicity.

These were so wonderful to make and I loved seeing the girls in them. The only thing lacking was a Regency style dress for my younger daughters. Then, I remembered that Jennie Chancey has a girls pattern. I quickly purchased it, planning Easter dresses, bought material that the girls wanted for their dresses, and waited for the pattern to arrive. It arrived Tuesday, and I started sewing Wednesday. I finished them up this morning!

Take a look!
Sarah looks terrific in this Raspberry color. Of course she must have matching "ribbon" for her hair and that turned into a darling curly bun.
This pattern is a dream! The bodice is fully lined, and you can line the skirt as well if you wish.
Rachel who is loving the color Orange these days, chose this material which has small cream flowers on it. Rachel plans to wear a cream color ribbon with her dress. The last photo is a close up of Sarah's hair - didn't it turn out cute?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
How Do You Show Honor and Respect To Your Husband?
One thing that I have learned is that my husband's main needs are for respect and honor. In order to show him that I respect him and honor him, I have learned to be a student of my husband.
What I mean by that is that over the years I have learned about him, what his favorite drink is, what kinds of foods he likes to eat, things that I can do to help lighten his "load". Knowing these things allow me to do things for him that SHOW him, my love and respect.
For instance, my husband likes to drink coffee with sweetened condenced milk in it. So I make sure that I always have sweetened condenced milk in the pantry. I also know that Tim doesn't like me to spend alot of money on it, so when I go to Sharp Shopper and they have it 2 cans for $1.00, I stock up! That way I know he can enjoy it more! Also, I make sure there is coffee made for the morning and for after dinner. This is when he likes to drink it.
Another thing I do is to make sure that we clean up the house and greet him when he gets home. There is no sneaking in the house for this man! Someone spys dad coming down the road and calls out "Dad's home!" and several if not all rush out the door to greet him, including the dogs! And our teenage daughters. If they do not go out the door, then they come into the livingroom/kitchen area and greet him. Everyday! I am teaching them to honor their dad and to appreciate his hard work for them. He loves to come home!
I also have worked to make our home a haven, a place away from the stresses of work. If it is summertime, I will make him an iced coffee drink, and encourage him to relax for a while before he starts on a project. He really works hard and it is not easy for him to sit still.
I like to make his favorite meals, this is easy as he likes everything!
We like to do things together as a family, but we also really like being alone. If I want to surprise him, I tag along on a trip to Lowe's or Home Depot! Sometimes, if he is working on the car, I will go out and just sit with him while he works. This makes him happy, and I like being with him!
My husband is worthy of honor, and I like letting him know it! What do you do to show your husband honor and respect?
A New Blogger
Nicole is a believer, a wife to her high school sweetheart and a mom to 3 active and adorable kids. She homeschools her kids too! Oh, and they have a cute little dog named Hershey Kiss!
Nicole started a blog recently, called Life in Jesus. You can find it on my sidebar. I look forward to knowing her better as the years go by!
Welcome to the blogging world Nicole!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My daughters and I love to have tea and host tea parties, big and small. However there is something very satisfying to put the kettle on during an afternoon or early evening, and call out "I'm making tea. Do you want some?" There is always someone who wants a cup along with me. Last evening, my husband was reading and drinking a cup of coffee with sweetened condensed milk, my oldest daughter was working on a project at the kitchen table, my son was at the computer working on his taxes. Two of the girls were playing cards at the table and the little ones were just around playing. I was reading as well, and decided it was time for a cuppa. When I asked who would want some (as this determines which size pot I use) 2 girls decided to join me. It is just a sweet thing to me, to pour them a cup and hear "thanks mom."
Do you know how to brew the perfect pot of tea? It is quite simple.
Start with cold water in your kettle. (I use an electric kettle that heats up quickly.) Cold water is full of oxygen. Once you have boiled the water, do not reheat it as the oxygen has been depleted and you will not get a very good cup of tea!
While waiting for the kettle to heat up, put hot water from the tap into your teapot to "warm the pot". After the pot is warmed pour out the water and add your tea leaves or tea bags. This warmth allows the fragrance of the tea to start coming out. When I use a diffuser, I still warm the pot so that it is ready for the hot water.
When the water is ready pour the boiling water over the tea leaves, bags, or diffuser. Allow the tea to steep 3-5 minutes. Depending on the tea used, I might steep for less time, as I don't like really strong tea.
Pour into your cup and add cream and sugar as desired. Some people prefer a bit of lemon in their tea, but do not add cream and lemon or it will curdle!
Here are some pictures of my teacups and teapots:
I am collecting Royal Doulton's "Old Country Roses" variations. I have pink and chintz ones....
red, pale blue, lavender, and mint green.
I have the "Old Country Roses tea pot, creamer, and sugar bowl. My husband found them last year at the Royal Doulton Outlet, as a set for $70.00 . The teapot alone at the outlet is normally over $100.00 so all I can say is that it was a God thing! Behind the "Old Country Roses" you can see my very first teapot. My husband purchased it for my birthday about 18 years ago!
Here are my other teacups.
We have purchased them for anniversaries, I have received them for birthdays, and Christmas....a few belong to my daughters!
My husband likes to buy me "unusual" teacups, hence my square, footed teacup, and the pink floral one on top of it with the unusual bowl shape.
If you are still with me after this long post, bless you, and thank you for indulging me today!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Random Acts of Kindness

Interesting Seminar and Other Ramblings

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!

21 years ago today, Tim and I shared our first kiss, 6 months after we met. He is still the only one I want to share romance with!
We don't have any big plans for the day or evening that I am aware of. We are going to a marriage seminar at our church tomorrow evening and Saturday morning. Then in the evening we are going to the Valentine's banquet with our church's marriage ministry called "From This Day Forward." It is being held at the Revere Tavern. We are really looking forward to it.
This morning when I got up, I found on our dresser a card and a package from my sweetheart. The card was lovely, as were his own words written therein. I really am so blessed to be married to this man. In the package was this book:
I have been wanting to read this book! My sweetheart said "I hope you enjoy it!" I definately will.
I wish you all a day of love. Whether it be in reading the Words of your souls lover, or caring for your children, making a fun meal for your family etc....
Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's Snowing, Icing, Raining - Yikes!
As the girls and I were going to bed last night, we noticed that a car could not get up our hill. Several of the neighborhood men helped them out. I do not know how the road on the bigger highway was, but hopefully it was salted and clear as there are a huge hill and a hollow, depending on which direction they were headed. (Tim by the way didn't help the poor stranded people in the car. He has been going into work early and was already in bed.)
This morning, he was headed off early again. About 30 minutes after he left, he called to say that he had slipped the fan belt on his van and that he was attempting to get to work, but to start my van as I may need to head out to pick him up and get him to work. 15 minutes later he called to say that he made it to work and he was praying that the fan belt hadn't been lost. I was so glad not to have to head out in the dark on the icy, slushy roads!
Today, Becky from Hospitality Lane is to come over with her children. Her children and my two older girls are in my class at co-op and we are going to be learning 2 new dances this semester. I am wanting them to learn at least one new one today, so that when we work on it in class tomorrow, they can show in person how to do it! This of course depends on the weather!
It is dark outside still, so I will try to get some photos later.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Apples of Gold Banquet
Drinks and Appetizers
Hot Mulled Cider
Puffed Pastry Petites
Nancy's Quiches
Pepper Jam Pleaser
Hot Rolls with Butter
Spinach Salad
Chicken Cordon Bleu
Scalloped Potatoes Supreme
Baked Cheesy California Blend
Deep Dark Chocolate Cake
Lemon Bars
Southern Pecan Pie
Coffee, Hot Tea
It was all so delicious!
Tim did the welcome and prayer. The lady in the photo was one of the leaders. She and her husband have been married 48 years. He spoke last night about the book "Love and Respect", and said that 2 years ago they went to a seminar by the author, Dr. Emerson Eggerich. He said he learned more about his wife that weekend than he had all the years they had been married!
Do you see the chandlier? That is normally right over our dining table. I put a couch there facing the kitchen. The ficus trees with white lights were there to visually divide our open kitchen from the "banquet area." It worked out beautifully!
Our pastor spoke as well. His wife Betty was also one of the leaders. He challenged the men to love their wives as Christ loved the church. He mentioned how women always seem to be the ones who seek out how to improve their marriages, and challenged the men to seek to grow as well.
This is a picture of the top of my piano.
I would encourage any of you "older" women to mentor younger women, and younger women, I would encourage you to seek out an older godly woman to mentor you. If that is not possible, try to find an Apples of Gold group. You will be encouraged!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Preparing for a Special Evening
Well, tomorrow evening is finally the date. I am very excited. With it being this close to Valentine's Day, I am having fun with decorating and preparing the tables.
I will post pictures Monday morning!
Have a wonderful Lord's Day!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Dinner Out

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Pray for Wisdom

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Blog Award

Monday, February 4, 2008
Quiet Time

As I have been talking with mommy friends and reading blogs I have come across a similar theme lately.
Guilt brought on by a lack of "Quiet Time."
I can relate to that, after all with 6 kids it is never quiet here! I have in the past woken up early in the morning for quiet time, and then gone back to sleep for awhile. I have tried to do it when my kids went to bed. This works fine until you have teenagers, they never go to bed!!! Well they do, but usually at the same time my husband and I do. And evening time is when they want to come to you and talk, and I make it a point to be available to them.
I have come to the conclusion, that God knows all about the life stage I am in. One day, when I don't have little ones in the home, I can take hours everyday to study the word, pray without interruptions etc....
But during this season of life, I believe that God is so pleased with my mind being on Him and my talking with Him as I go about my day. I believe that the verses He brings my way, through a sermon or a friend, are the ones He wants me to take to heart. So I print them out and hang them on my fridge where I can see them all day long. They challenge me, He challenges me through His words on my fridge. He is pleased that I am teaching my children and pointing them to Him, day by day, that I am being kind to my neighbor and taking a meal to someone in need. These things please Him, and in doing them I please Him.
As I read my bible, I don't see anyone having "quiet time" except Jesus when He went off alone to pray. I do see David thinking of the Lord "through the night watches", and Psalms of praise being sung, and believers meeting together...
I am not saying that daily bible study is not important. It is. I feel so fortunate that I was able to spend 2 years at a Bible college, just studying the Word. I love to do Beth Moore studies, I love my Oswald Chambers Study Bible. I just want to encourage those friends who are struggling with feeling that they are not "good" followers of Christ, to look to Jesus, THE source. He will show you what He wants for and from you.
And that is all that matters!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Kyle's Big Boy Bed
I bought the string of car lights at Target - they have really cute stuff. You can see his train table (also from Target).
This is a really neat bookcase my husband built for Kyle last year. I love it because it is in the Pottery Barn for Kids style, but much, much less expensive!
Here you can see his new "Cars" sheets!
Here is "tauboy Tyle". He is being greatly influenced by his sister's love for horses and a movie called "Horse Crazy", from Feature Films for Families. He likes the boy named "Stoney" so sometimes he tells us he is "Stoney Tyle." He is great fun!
Home Keeping
After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...

Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania. We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening a...
Today is Melissa's due date -she is in labor and she and Geoff were headed to the birthing center to have the baby! I know she will co...