We have been very busy around our cottage the last several weeks. We have our daily mounds of laundry, our school work, keeping things tidy, cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes. This is daily life around here!
However, domestic life is not only about those kinds of chores. It encompasses all sorts of delightful things such as sewing, knitting, gardening, decorating.
Emily and I have been knitting alot lately working on winter hats and scarves for the family. I have been sewing - I made a skirt for me, an apron for a friends birthday - she is now 16 and while she doesn't cook much she loves to garden and that is what I had in mind when making her the apron. I also made Emily's apron! It is so cute but required much bias binding. I finished it today and will try to post a few photos soon. Now I have to make mine and Lindsay's.
Today the girls didn't have to work and so they were industrious here at home. I have been talking to them about the need for them to take on more "ownership" of their bedroom. They have the master suite and this is an opportunity for them to be responsible for their own place. Today they hung curtains around their beds and strung white lights around them too. It is very cute. They even switched some furniture around to make the curtain surrounds work.
My younger ones being inspired by their older sisters cleaned their room very well and are now trying to figure out how to put curtains up around their bed. They are hinderd by a ceiling fan, however!
I love to see them all being so creative.
I have been working on decluttering, going through boxes which probably haven't been touched in 10+ years. The neighborhood is planning a yard sale for Labor Day weekend. I hope to get rid of baby things, a bike, some children's movies, and more. My mom may bring some things from her home as well. I don't care if we make a lot of money - I just want to get the stuff out of the house! Aaaah, I love the feeling of less "stuff."
We also have been working on clearing up the trees from the storms last week, and I also did the mowing the other day.
It will be busy around here next week too. Tim is taking Thursday and Friday off and planning to start work on the horse barn that has been in the works since April! That will be so awesome to see that finished! Tomorrow he is working on more downed trees! He wants to get all that cleaned up before next weekend!
Domestic life is a great joy to me. Lots of work, but lots of blessing too! I love seeing my children embrace it!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I love to see the big girls making room for my Kingsize bed. It would fit perfectly in between their beds. Ha Ha Love all them girlies.
By the way the previous post is from me. I keep forgetting I have to write my name now.
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