Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, August 22, 2009

You Just Don't Never Know....

That is what my Grandma used to say, and I have come to see the truth of it!

Thursday night Tim covered our windowless back hatch on our van with a heavy duty length of clear plastic - you know the kind they use to cover fabric tablecloths. He is so smart! It worked fine. I took him to work yesterday morning and then after work we took the van to get an estimate for repair. More about that in a minute!

In the meantime, I went to our pharmacy to pick up Emily's prescription to deal with her poison ivy, which was contracted sometime Tuesday evening during the clean up of the trees that came down in the storm. She has been really suffering, poor girl. Anyway we had a doctors' appointment Thursday evening and they sent the script in electronically. When we stopped to pick it up the pharmacy hadn't received it. We figured that I would stop by and pick it up in the morning, since the doctor recommended she start it in the morning anyway.

It still wasn't there. The pharmacy should have suggested that they call our doctor's office and ask about it. Next time I will definitely have them call, me as a patient had to get the runaround and leave a message for the nurses etc...I talked to the phone gal to see if she knew if they would be looking into it right away - I didn't know whether to go get groceries (this is an all day process) or wait so I could take it home to her. The phone gal snipped at me "I did my job ma'am." No "let me ask the nurse" or anything helpful - she had given the nurse a message and that was the extent of her "responsibility." Arrrrgh. I was getting so annoyed.

Finally after waiting around for nearly an hour, I decided I just needed to head out - the day was getting away from me. Then the nurse calls and says "their machine showed that the script got sent. We don't know why they didn't receive it. But I called it in. They should have it ready now!" Finally! When I left my message on the nurses line I begged them to call it in! Next time, I will ask for a paper script, even though it means that we may have to wait for it to be filled.

Are you still with me? Thank you, dear ones for listen to my tale....

Anyway, I did my shopping, headed home to unload the many, many food items this family consumes in a week, and then picked up Tim from work. We had to go to the estimator that the person at fault in the accident's insurance uses. Then we went to ours, the body shop we prefer to use. I called the insurance company, they told me that they had set up a car rental for us and it was already to go. (the company had accepted 100% responsibility. While on the phone with this gal, I tell her that the midsized car they have lined up for us will not do - we have 5 children and only one vehicle and that we would need a mini van. She tells me that she will upgrade us. Great. So we get there and she has authorized us to get a larger car one that seats 5! Oy vey. The rental guy calls but of course they are all gone for the day. So he tells us he can upgrade us to a van, but can't say for sure whether or not the insurance will pay for it. Tim was inclined to just go with the car for the weekend and upgrade it on Monday. I said "we won't even be able to go to church." So we upgraded and are reasonably sure they will pay the difference.

During this whole rigmarole, we realized that we can't find Tim's cell phone. I will spare you the gory details, and just tell you that it was in our van and that a kind man who works for our repair company got it for us. Tim picked it up today on a break from work.

My parents have been helping us get the girls to work - they live very close to their place of employment and so there have been several sleepovers...We are so thankful for them

Our van will be repaired this week - we are hopeful that Tim will be able to pick up the truck we are buying to replace his wrecked van which started this whole thing in the first place!

Whew! Are you exhausted? I sure am!

Thank you for all your encouragement and kind words! Through all this craziness we have seen God at work and are giving Him the praise and letting Him have his way in our lives. I am trusting that our life can go back to our normal low key ways but as my Grandma said "you just don't never know!"


Alicia @ said...

I am so sorry about this all Auntie Dee..Like that saying, "when it rains it pours!" We are dealing with car problems too...ugh car problems are the worst! We rely on them so much!!

Hope Emily is gonna start feeling better too!!


Anonymous said...

Dee the rental place has to give you a comparable vehicle. Stick to your guns and appeal!! You have to have a seat for all your children!!

Donna said...

You are remaining pretty patient with all of that going on! I think I would be screaming by now, LOL.

I hope it all goes better for your soon!

Emma* said...

Oh that saying brings back SO many memories of Grandma Lily!

And I had heard the 'drama' about my med's, but not all that other stuff! No wonder you are so tired.

Anonymous said...

A friend blessed our family with Pirate tickets this week. We went Friday. On the way home, we had major traffic delays. Complain, complain from us...until we came upon a huge accident in Ebensburg w/ two deaths. We KNOW God spared us! God has a perfect plan for our lives. Just ride the wave and know He IS in control! Have a blessed week!
Ruth, PA

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...