Last evening as we climbed into our small but comfy bed, my husband squeezed my hand and said "thanks for this weekend. It was great!" I laughed. "But I didn't DO anything." He thought it was a wonderful weekend. Here is what we did.
Friday evening we went to Delaware to exchange a wrong part for our ailing vacuum cleaner. Tim ordered the carpet attachment for our canister vac and when it arrived it was the wrong one. We found out you can return orders made online at any Sears service center. So we went and found out that we could buy a brand new one from there for the price that we had paid for the carpet attachment! It is exactly like our old one which we love and has worked so well all these years, except the carpet attachment had died. It was delightful to vacuum the rugs really well on Saturday morning!
We also went to Target to look at replacing some small appliances. The carafe to the coffee maker had a small crack in it, that we were unaware of and when Tim made coffee the other evening, we had coffee everywhere! Yikes! What a mess. So we got a new coffee maker. Tim just wanted a simple one that makes coffee. He didn't want bells, whistles, timers etc...we did find one, the last one on the shelf. It seems all the college students have been buying out Target!
We also had our cloths iron die on us, during the time of Tim's hip surgery. Finances were so tight then, so we borrowed an old one from my parents. We decided to buy a new one Friday night. Irons are something we use usually on Saturday nights to iron our cloths for church and on a few other occasions. However we seem to get really bad irons that don't work well, but we keep them until they die because we spent money on them! We ended up getting a nice one - a Shark. Tim ironed yesterday morning and there were now groans of frustration so I think it worked well. It better considering the price.
We also ended up with a new toaster. We have had ours forever. A two slicer for a family of eight. Not usually problem until you want to make BLT's for dinner. And the fact that to get anything toasted you have to do it twice. So we looked at toasters. Did you know you can learn alot about a culture by what their appliances can do for them? hee hee. People must eat alot of frozen breakfast foods because these toasters have defrost settings! They also have special settings for bagels...silly me, I used to just put them in our toaster. You also get to pay alot more for a toaster these days. But the toaster works great, can do four slices at a time, and on a low medium setting burned my toast the other morning! Go toaster!
So that was a lot of shopping on Friday night! Not very usual for us, but I must say, fun! It is nice to have the tools to do my work here at home in a more efficient way!
Saturday saw the girls off to work and Tim out using the chain saw to cut up the fallen trees. It was so hot and humid - it felt like Florida! Anyway a friend from church called and wanted to come by which he did. The kids love Uncle Denny because he brings Moon Pies when he comes for a visit! He and Tim had a good time of fellowship out in the pasture watching the burn pile! He stayed for dinner, which on a hot day was simply Cheese Steaks. Yummy and satisfying!
Sunday is always a looked forward to day. We had great Sunday School class and Church service, then a fellowship meal. We have had several young families attending on a regular basis. They are so sweet and we have enjoyed getting to know them. Rachel and I got to hold a wee baby only 9 weeks old! She was so precious! Rachel held her the most but I did get my baby fix! The mom was enjoying the blessing of a family integrated church. Older children used to younger siblings and blessing the families by helping with the children. Lindsay was holding and playing with the wee baby's older sister, age 19 months! Darling girl, cute, fun, active!
The highlight for Kyle yesterday was the chance to go ride the Strasburg Railroad with his friend Zeb! The dads took the boys using the comp tickets our girls get from work. The boys had a great time!
During that time Kelly , her son Anthony and my three older girls went to Susquehanna State Park to take photographs. They all have the photography bug.
My Mom and Dad came over also, and the three of us played Rook. They were teaching me the way they play with their neighbors. The weather has turned cooler and beautiful and so we sat out on the deck yesterday afternoon. While we were playing cards, a band started playing "cover songs." At first we thought they must be practicing but then they continued to play, and were pretty good so it added to our fun atmosphere! They were somewhere up the hill by our place! Lucky for us they didn't play heavy metal or rap. Not my favorite kinds of music.
Our son came by later in the evening with a friend of his. It was nice to see him. His leg is on the mend, he is now walking without his crutches!
So we had a lovely weekend. One of our favorite kinds - family, friends, good food - and I really didn't have to do anything!
We enjoyed our family and friends so much as well this weekend.
I can appreciate what you are speaking of.
I am glad Nate's leg is improving.
Becky K.
Sounds like a great weekend to me...
now for us'n--the iron is something used everyday..I have a Rowenta....and it is well worth it..
I am the one in the family that reads the directions on new appliances..husband..likes to plug in and GO for it ?
MY weekend...in the recliner..but I have been busy..that will be a post, hopefully this week..
Oh my, what wonderfulnesses have graced your days, dear friend. New appliances are sooo appreciated when they're really needed and especially when you're able ($) to purchase them! :o) Time with family, even doing mundane activities but simply being together. All so precious.
Thank you for sharing from your heart. :o)
tickleberry farm
It sounds like you had a lovely weekend :) I hope you have a blessed week!
Those are the best kind of weekends. Productive and full of time with family and friends.
Good to hear Nate's leg is healing up!
Weekends like this are the best! We so enjoy our times spent with your family. I had such a good time out taking photos with your girls. I posted some today.
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