Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 17, 2009


I saw a sign the other day at a seed store for fall crops. This made me think that maybe we could still do a bit of gardening. Maybe lettuce...Do you do any fall crops? What kinds of things do you grow?

We are studying about Family Integrated Churches in our Sunday School class. Last night we were at Becky's hanging out with friends and we started to discuss this topic. The Lord encouraged me that we were on the right path for our family. We love the relationships that we have with our church family. We love to see our children growing in the Lord, hearing the word preached, hearing the church family sharing prayer requests and praises. What blessing there is for us all.

We are starting school this week. It is a late start for us! I am not involved with too much outside our home this year, but it has seemed like craziness around here. So I am praying that the Lord will give us the ability to slow down and to spend time really enjoy books, and music and art. To learn History and science. To write. Emily is in 10th this year, Rachel in 5th, Sarah is in 2nd. I am working on reading with her...she has had some focusing muscle issues and just recently seems to be ready to read. Each one in their own time. One of mine struggled with reading and didn't read well until 4th grade. Now she reads at a upper high school level. Kyle may do some basic stuff. He is 4. So stories and projects for him. I love educating my kids at home. Is it always easy and wonderful? No, but then nothing is. Is it worth it? Oh, definitely is worth it. I wouldn't trade this time with my children for anything.

On the homefront, we are wanting to make better use of the basement. It is finished but dark and needs some reorganization. I need to make it warm and welcoming so we want to use it! It is the exact footprint of the whole house so I want to be able to make the most of the space. Right now it is painted the most delicious shade of red - it is gorgeous, but unfortunately the color just eats up all the light. I am thinking of leaving one wall red and painting the rest a lighter shade of the yellow in my livingroom/kitchen. The yellow would be warm and bright - we have very little natural light down there. We have a family room space down there already but very little to tempt us to use it. I need to think storage for kid toys as well.

One of the main reasons for getting the basement into shape is that we have way too much furniture upstairs! We need to move some desks and book cases downstairs. We definitely need those items or I would get rid of them but it is way too crowded upstairs. I can definitely see office space down there!

I'd love to hear about any projects you have done and to have you send me links! I love to be inspired by others!

Have a lovely day! Praying for you today, Deby!


Karen said...

Go for it on the fall garden. Clarence is planning to start lettuce, spinach, and snow peas.

I don't think it's too late, especially if you can protect from light frost. It's worth a shot and would be nice to harvest salad in your own yard, right?

Blessings on your school year!

Kelly said...

We, too, need to work on getting our basement in order so that we can utilize that space. It is not a completely finished basement, but it is finished enough that we could use it. We did use it when we first moved in. However, we never did finish unpacking the boxes that we put in the basement when we moved in and we just kept adding stuff to it. Anything we didn't know where to go with ended up in the basement. My parents helped us out by getting us some bookshelves and metal shelving units so that we can clean up and organize, so the we can, once again, utilize that space. Lord knows we could certainly use it!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...