Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Melissa at The Inspired Room posted today about Inspiration. She talked about remembering who you were as a girl to discover the things you love.

It made me think about myself as a girl, and how it might apply to my life as an adult.

As a girl I loved to rearrange furniture! I did really. Being the only girl, I had my own room. Usually once a month I was rearranging the furniture in that small 10x10 room! Sometimes the inspiration to rearrange came in the evening and my Mom would come to the door and say "what are you doing in here?" I think she was surprised the first few times that a kid would be doing that, then it became normal.

Today I still love to rearrange furniture to get a new look or feel for a room, better functionality or just change! I figure it satisfies my desire for change and it is FREE!

Another thing I did as a girl was to go to a local department store with my friend Lisa and walk through the furniture department. We would talk about what we liked in the "rooms" and what we didn't like.

I believe that helped me to discover how to put things together to get a warm and welcoming look for my home. It has always been easy for me to "picture" how something will look all put together. Maybe my early training looking at furniture help me to do this.

I love opening our cottage home for hospitality. Have a comfortable home makes it easy to do. You do not need a huge McMansion to do it. We have very few furniture items that were purchased new. We have a ton of hand me downs. Put by using throws, pillows, and other items to pull it all together - it works. It is important to me to provide comfort and welcome, not just to guests but to my family who live and use this space daily.

Also as a girl I loved children. I started babysitting for others at 11 years old. I had a whole group of children around me. Several of the kids I babysat are now married and have children of their own! When I married I had 4 young girls that were special to me as flower girls! I now keep up with these young women on Facebook! But how like the Lord to prepare me in my girlhood for what He had prepared for me as an adult!

Who were you as a girl and how has that transferred to the adult you?


~~Deby said...

I agree wholeheartidly with this...I believe if you can take what you liked to do as a child...what you could get lost in doing...and translate it into a adult hobby or interest you will always find things to do...that you will LOVE....This is a blog post I have thinking about so I won't divulge everything...
I can see where YOU get your love for what you enjoy...

Anonymous said...

What a sweet post, Mrs. Rabe! I was the same way as a child - constantly rearranging my room, organizing things, etc. I loved it! Still do. ;o) I even used to have a "school" in the basement for my younger sister and her friends complete with desks that my dad's friend had given us and a yearbook that I made. I remember having permission slips for field trips up the street to the playground, LOL, and "Star of the Week". I was a teacher before I became a mother, so that childhood love of learning, teaching and being creative definitely traveled with me to adulthood. It's permeated who I am as a mother. I also still love to decorate and rearrange...much to my husband's chagrin!

Karen said...

I loved rearranging my room as a child, too, but seldom change much of anything now.

I feel like my rooms have too many special limitations to be able to change things much. Maybe I should have considered that a bit more when we bought here...

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...