Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Beautiful Day

It was a scorcher here yesterday, but things are looking beautiful around here! Our Cleveland Pear is gorgeous right now! And look at that beautiful sky!

Lindsay took these beautiful photos of the pear tree - I wish these flowering trees could stay in bloom until Autumn - they are so pretty!

I love the tiny flowers with their green leaves starting to pop out.

Such detail - our Creator is so amazing!

I love the little touch of pink!

The dogs love to be out and about with us! Here Sadie is taking a break from all her sniffing and running around. It's hard work being a dog!

Here are my hard working girls...

Filling the raised beds with top soil...they already have a layer of paper, compost, wood ash, then the top soil and finally mushroom mulch.

The layering creates a healthy environment for growing. It is supposed to keep the weeds down and the bugs away. I do have some flowering plants to help with bugs also...

Meanwhile, the younger kids were playing at the creek...want to know what they have in the bucket?

That's right, frogs! Tito and Cheeto to be exact! The ones they caught the day before were named Mountain ('cause it is so big!) and Cheeta (don't know maybe?)

Grandma was there supervising...Sarah took this photo and aren't her photo skills great? She likes to surprise you with taking your picture! Lucky Grandma!

Here she is with Grandpa! I took this photo. She was on his lap and talking away!

The older girls came over with the frogs in hand....

Wait Emily! Don't do it! You don't really have to kiss alot of frogs before you find your prince!

What were you up to yesterday?


Emma* said...

Don't worry mom! I only kissed one;-)


Becky K. said...

Cute post!

Emma, pl...ease...don't kiss the frogs! Your true prince will come along at just the right time. lol
Love that pic.

Becky K.

Tracy said...

We are palnning on working on our garden today. Yesterday I hung out 5 loads of laundry. Loving this warm weather. I love your tree it is very pretty.

Judy said...

Hi, I just found your blog via the CWO blogroll. I so enjoyed your post,& the 'Multigenerational Vision post was so inspiring - very sweet! I was almost afraid to look in the bucket - I am terrified of snakes, & thought it might be that! I was relieved to see the frogs. :-) Have a blessed day. Hugs!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...