Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 30, 2010

Longwood Unexpectedly

When my husband came home this morning, he asked if we wanted to do anything.  Now I always feel bad, because he has been awake all night working, but he wanted to take us to Longwood today, as it was beautiful weather, and the last chance in a while for him to go with us.

My batteries of course were dead in my camera when we got there, so I got these from the Longwood Gardens website.  We strolled a garden path past a pond, to a lovely treehouse styled like a Norwegian stave church.

Onto my favorite - the Italian Water Garden.  Such a great spot.  We  took a new path and went through the Beech Grove and past the Pierce-duPont house, to two other tree houses, a woodland walk, a romp in the Topiary Garden and then past the Cow Lot and back to the visitors center.

There we ran into the Hospitality Lane family when we were leaving.  Such a great day.

Home to a relaxing afternoon, then when the little ones unexpectedly went off with Grandpa to spend the night with he and Grandma, Emily, Lindsay and I headed out to a rare time out for the three of us at Panera.

Back again to get Tim off to work, and to watch our Netflix movie "The Young Victoria."  We really liked it alot.

Now off to sleep...Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

Becky K. said...

Chelsea was the first to spot Tim...but she didn't think it could be him so she wasn't going to say anything. lol

It was fun to see you.

Becky K.

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