Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Going On A Vacation

We are headed out at the end of the week! Oh, how we need it!

We are headed to Missouri to visit Tim's sister and her family. We also will get to see our niece (Tim's other sister's daughter) Melissa and her sweet family! Can you say cousins, cousins, cousins? These are the only young cousins in the family. The rest of the cousins are all adults! So my little people are thrilled, and the big ones are too, to see Aunt Ginna and Uncle Tom and to visit with their cousin Melissa and hubby Geoff. Lindsay wants to work on her Irish accent!

On the way we will be visiting the Creation Museum, we are so excited about this! They have a planetarium, botanical garden and petting zoo, as well! And maybe, possibly, we may meet up with some blogging friends.

While in Missouri we will go to The Laura Ingalls Wilder Home and Museum in Mansfield. We went there the last time we were in Missouri which was about 6 years ago, so the little ones don't even remember it and Kyle wasn't even born yet! They are very excited about going as we are reading the Little House series aloud in the evenings. We are getting ready to start Farmer Boy. I have always really liked that book - Almanzo could pack away the food!

We also plan to go to Sight and Sound Theater in Branson, MO, to see Noah! We saw it here in Lancaster many, many times and loved it, but our younger children have never seen it! We think after seeing the Creation Museum this will be an awesome to see!

On the way home we will stop at at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis! Tim is determined to go up in the Arch this time. I am going to stay firmly on the ground and enjoy the Museum of Westward Expansion that is under the Arch. I really enjoyed this museum the last time we were there.

We will get home exhausted likely, but what fun we are going to have!


Unknown said...

I've been wanting to go to the Creation Museum. Can't wait to hear what you think of it when you get back. Prayers for a safe journey.

Phyllis said...

What will I do without you all. Have a safe trip darlings. Love you all. Give our love to Melissa and Geoff and the Marshes.

Melissa G said...

Lot of fun stuff you have planned! Geoff and I really want to visit the Creation Museum some time too!
Looking forward to seeing you!

Becky K. said...

If you hear noises from a squished fat lady coming from the luggage...don't look until you reach the Creation Museum...ok?

I can take bus

Becky K.

KellyinPA said...

What a wonderful trip and the best thing is that it all "counts" as school;) We hope to visit the Creation Musuem this fall. Enjoy!


Tracy said...

Have a fun trip! Take lots of pictures.

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