Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Packing and Preparing

Well, packing is in full swing here at our house. The little girls are all set - minus putting shoes into the suitcase. Which brings me to my thoughts for today.

When you have a household with 5 females, the amount of shoes needed to go on a week long vacation is amazing!

The guys pack and it is a pair of shoes and maybe a pair of flip flops. The girls pack and it is flip flops, ballet flats, tennis shoes or their Converse, maybe even boots.

We women think of all the possibilities; being a tourist, hiking, being in the car for hours, the weather.

We also think about what shoes look best with what we are wearing that day, and if we may need to dress up a bit; perhaps we will be going to church while we are away.

Add to this multiple outfits, though we do pack things that go together to make different outfits, jammies, undies, socks, knitting, books to read, movies to watch and you have one full car!

Praise the Lord for a patient and understanding husband and daddy!

We are headed out tomorrow and I have tons of things to do before we go, so I better get busy!


Anonymous said...

Haha! That's so true! Have a great trip!!!! You'll all be VERY missed!!!!!!


Becky K. said...

I agree with will be missed. Have a wonderful time. You certainly deserve a break!!!!


Karen said...

We have the same problem when we pack. Those shoes take so much space but a girl's gotta be prepared, right?.

Are you planning to blog while you're away? I hope so! (But I realize how difficult that can be, too...)

Have a great trip!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


A girl definitely needs to be prepared!

I will be taking my laptop along...I hope to blog at least several times while is supposed to rain the whole time we are there, so there may not be tons to talk about!

Alicia @ said...

Have a great time! I totally understand the shoe thing! Family vacations are thee best!! Thats where the memories are! We still travel every summer with my family and probably always will, its the best and we cherish our time together! I know you do to, thats why you are a great mom!!

♥ Amy said...

Sounds absolutely wonderful! Ours is planned for August, and we are all counting down the days already! I, too, am dreading the packing. Just getting enough clothes together for that one week with no washer/dryer will be something! Have fun together!

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