Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, April 25, 2010

We're Home...

What joy it is to be home! Thanks to my dear parents for staying at our home and taking such good care of our horses and doggies! Thanks to Dad, for mowing! With this rain, rain, rain, the grass would be knee high before it would dry out!

We had a really special vacation...we never take a trip just to go to a beach or to just play...we usually make it a trip to visit family and/or friends. I said to Tim last night that I feel as if we do the same things on vacation as we do at home. Spending time with others, listening, encouraging as we can, laughing, sharing our family....

The kids had such a great time at Uncle Tom and Aunt Ginna's house! They have a trampoline!

There was lots of jumping....

endless jumping...

and bouncing....

and cuteness...

Probably my favorite thing was the day we spent in Mansfield...

We did the tour of the house with a group of 8 ladies who were all sisters! They were in their 50's - 60's, perhaps a bit older...they have 3 brothers and 2 sisters who are already in heaven! A family of 13 children...our tour guide said he was one of 13, and his mother and father both were from families of 13 children! I said that they all made me feel as if I have a small family with only 6 children! They laughed and said "That's a big family these days!" They were all sweet and delightful! They loved the house and made comments like "Isn't that precious?" They talked to my children and one fell in love with Sarah...The lady later said to me "You homeschool, don't you." When I said "yes." She said, "I knew it." She told me she had 6 children as well.

My little guy is such a helper...he loved pushing his cousin, Anna, in her stroller!

Laura and Almanzo's beloved house...

Sara Anne, our niece...

One sweet boy...

and his sweet sister...


This beautiful Rock House was built by Rose for a retirement home for her mother and dad...they lived their for 9 years and then when Rose moved away, they moved back to the farm.

When asked why, they said that they never wanted to move, they only did to please Rose!

Later we went to Baker Creek Seed Company - the folks we bought our heirloom seeds from! They are located right outside of Mansfield.

Look at all the great seeds! This lovely place has a Pioneer Village on site as well. They do special Pioneer Days events...

They have a Bakery in this building...

The owner Jere Gettle and his family collect rare poultry and fowl from all over the world!

Isn't this guy a beauty? Stunning color!

There was so much that we did and fun that we were able to have. I am so thankful to the Lord and to my dear husband for giving us this special time! This is a trip we will talk about for years to come!


Becky K. said...

I didn't know about the retirement home for Laura and Almanzo. That is too funny....and a bit sad, I think.

The house is CUTE!

Glad you are back...although, it is good you were able to go.

Becky K.

Tracy said...

It ALL looked like so much fun. I would have loved visiting the Wilder homes, too. There's no place like home, though, is there?

Anonymous said...

I would like to go to the Wilders some time!!

Glad you had fun!!! More pics??

Joy said...

It sounds like you had a great time! I'm so glad you enjoyed Laura's house. :) The weather looks like it was really nice while you were there.

We love Baker's Creek. We really enjoyed going to their Spring Planting Festival a few years ago. My husband likes to plant a lot of their unusual seeds (some of them we haven't seen anywhere else!). :)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...