Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Week

Nate and Kayleigh! How we love and are praying for them! This photo makes me laugh...I call it "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum" - as in the twins in Alice in Wonderland. Speaking of twins...

Did you know that I have twins? Look at them!

Two of the dearest, God honoring girls!

They are funny too! In fact all my kids have quite a sense of humor...don't know where that comes from...

Now onto the garden We worked really hard this week! Here you can see my peonies coming up! These are gloriously beautiful and the smell on these are like old fashioned roses!

We put in a few boxwoods last Saturday. We have been in need of more evergreens in the garden, most of my things have been perennials.

Tim and Lindsay built our raised beds on Saturday. Three of them are 3x12 and one is 2x8 ( I think). We are going to get them layered with lots of good things this week...think lasagna gardening!

My picket fence has been pressure washed, and now primed! It was in such need. Lindsay, Rachel and I painted it Saturday - it looks beautiful! Now we just need to find a day to paint it!

My youngest on Easter Sunday! He told me on Good Friday "Mom, I know what Jesus done." I said "Really, Kyle? What did Jesus do?" "Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins." "That's exactly right, son."

Sarah, posing with her Easter Basket! She is a funny one, I tell you!

Tim giving instructions as to where all 113 eggs were hidden. Ours are plastic with candy and thanks to the Grandparents, cash, inside! It is usually just about 5 dollars in coins and bills. Each of the three little ones got nearly an even amount of money.

I had to include these sweet photos of the five who still live at home....Kyle was terrified of a wood boring bee that had been nearby. We tried to get him to relax, but...

This was the best we could get out of him!

I hope you had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday - we certainly did.


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
What a beautiful photo of all of the kids together. I just love the last one, and I too have one in the family terrified of bees. (ours is our little grand daughter Isabel who is 10 yo). There is always one.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are the sweetest looking ones of all. How precious is that picture. When is Kayleigh due? She looks close.

Love your twins too. That is just precious. I believe that your Miss Sarah is going to be a drama queen. I love that photo.

So happy to share your beautiful day with you today. I am back to work today. Monday, Monday.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Tracy said...

What sweet photos! I was just thinking yesterday that Abigail has never done an egg hunt. I think we need to get on that!

Your fence looks great!

Shonni said...

Fun pictures.
I am so ready to get our raised garden beds done...however, it is still to cold here...

Becky K. said...

I LOVE that pic of Nate and Kayleigh. Too funny!!! I think the poor girl is going to pop before June. Hang in their Kayleigh...

I remember how amazing your peonies smell! Oh my goodness.

Becky K.

Anonymous said...

I love all of those pictures! Lindsay and Sarah are so funny!!
Oh and so is the "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum"
The garden/future garden looks great!!


Kelly said...

Great photos! Such a great looking group! We are much better. Our Easter Sunday was very calm, quiet and relaxing, but we'd have preferred to be with everyone at church.

Emma* said...

I love Nate and Kay's picture! Oh, and the little drama queen! They are SO funny!

Tracy said...

Love the twin pictures. Your family just seems like plain fun.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...