Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fun Find At TJ MAXX

Two actually.

I like to pop in at the Maxx and see what they have in their housewares section.  This time I was looking to see if I could find any tablecloths like Manuela showed us in her post here.  Doesn't that look great?  She and I use the same basic colors in our houses, and I am looking for living room curtains.  I only have one large window and thought it might be fun to try this bold pattern there.

However, they did not have any at my local store.  That didn't stop Lindsay and I from poking around anyway, and look what I found!

 This fabulous wire dish rack!

 I've wanted something like this for years.

 I am not sure if I'll stay with the copper finish on it or paint it black, but for now I am happy with it.

 It has pretty details and holds all of our everyday dishes.

I also found these great barkeeper towels in red!  These are the best towels for being absorbent.  Have you noticed how many cute towels out there these days will not absorb liquid?  Kinda crazy.

I'm sure having a rack with your dishes showing would not be every one's cup of tea - but I'm loving it! 

Oh, and a bonus is that I have new found cupboard space.  Second bonus is that everyone in the family can reach the plates when they  need to help set the table. Big win there! Woo Hoo!

Are you wondering the price I had to pay for all this amazingness? $16.99.  Oh, $5.99 for 5 towels.

So tell me what your best find has been, and what your favorite stores to shop are.


Cheryl said...

Love it, love it! Such a darling way to display your dishes...and to keep them handy! I love having my dishes out for entertaining...well for that matter, everyday too!

Hmmm...I've never had barkeeper towels. I am interested.

My favorite stores? Marshalls, HomeGoods...and (surprise) Target. :)

Becky K. said...

That is adorable! Great find!

Vee said...

I like it, too! And, if I had any room on any surface anywhere, I'd be highly tempted. I like TJ Maxx and I love Homegoods, but now that things are pinchy I'm just shopping the house . Some fine day, I'll have me a shopping trip.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

LOL! Great minds think alike - that the wire dish rack I have!

It's also in my dining room.

You are going to love it! It's so much fun to play with.

They have those tablecloths in navy and red btw. I just bought red!

The Old Parsonage said...

Cute - I'd be right there with you! We have Home goods that I'm loving!!!

Stay cool!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE it! I just love pretty things that are also practical. :)

Cheri' said...

I love this! It makes me want to go check out TJ Maxx here! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

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