Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Flowers

I've been showing off my hydrangeas but I wanted to show you some of my other flowers that are in bloom here at our cottage.

 I took this photo while I was mowing the other day.  I have daisies to the left of the hostas there by the tree, and if you look carefully you can see our small chicken coop and one of the month old black australorps.  

 We have Japanese beetles this year again.  They like my roses and my hibiscus, which is not a surprise considering they are in the same family of plants.

This variety of Rudbeckia is tall - these are right against the deck and I'm standing on the deck taking this photo.  They are also the perfect country flower!  So charming and long blooming.  They look great cut too!

My poor potted plants!  So much rain - the sweet potato vines aren't thriving this year.  

The coneflowers, black eyed susans, hydrangea, and hibiscus are loving all the rain this year! 

Something that has been snacking on the petals of my black eyed susan.  Not nice!

We weeded out in this bed the other day and you wouldn't believe the amount of weeds there were!  My little crew and I knocked it out in less than 30 minutes, early in the day before it got too hot and humid.

Can you see Rachel weeding my the picket fence?

Have a great day!  We are going to have two much cooler days here!  I think I am going to turn off the A/C.

So how about you?  How are your summer flowers?


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh you have such a beautiful yard and surroundings! I'm so happy I found your blog!

Plus, your "blog look" is simply gorgeous. Even though I *cry* every time I see your beeeeeutiful hydrangeas. -grin- Nooo, I'm happy for you!!!

We always have Japanese Beetles!!! I love it, that the Cardinals love to eat them.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I'm enjoying views of your surrounding flowers etc. Could you point me to post, where you have shown the "creek side" aspect, of your home? Ohhhh, what a wonderful sound that has.... Creek Side!!!!

And since I'm being *greedy,* could you please point me to posts, which show the "Cottage aspect"? I love, love, love cottages!


Vee said...

Hopefully, you can rescue the potted plants with a little plant food. I think that all the water has washed away the nutrients. Some sun will certainly help, too. My plants are looking a bit anemic, too. Now to get the lawn mowed around here! So much rain that it has not been possible. What a prettily dressed country gal weeding the garden!

Cheryl said...

Sooooooo pretty! I love the meandering path through all the flowers. "Considering the lilies" today...

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are sooo PRETTY! I was trying to pick a favorite and just couldn't, I like them all.

Mine are doing quite well this year because of the wet spring we had.

Ginny said...

Your flowers are beautiful! I have always loved a cottage garden, but have never had one myself. Perhaps one day.

I didn't plant a lot of flowers this year, but the ones I did are mostly looking good. My containers, especially, are lovely. I hope that since my husband helped me weed and mulch last weekend, the rest of the plants will thrive.

Theresa said...

Lots of pretty blooms around your place! Great that you have lots of weeders:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Nice to have good garden assistants!
Your flowers are so pretty. I really love the coneflowers.

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