Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Week Thus Far

I used to think it was just a phase and it would slow down again, but it hasn't.  I'm speaking of the busyness of my life.  I've come to accept that this is part of being available to the Lord, being poured out for His purposes.

I couldn't resist showing you this cutie!

I told you about our Practical Skills Summer.  That is going well.  Sarah helped with dinner last night - I gave her the job of seasoning the chicken and getting it into the oven.  It was delicious!

A few of my friends, with girls around the same ages as Rachel and Sarah, and I are getting our girls together one day a week (we just started this week) to learn homemaking skills.  We figured they'd have more fun sewing skirts together, or aprons, learning basic knitting stitches, crochet, stitchery.  We are going to do bread baking and some other cooking.  It is going to be nice because each of us will take a different week to be in charge of, so no one Mom carries to load.

This week, the girls made friendship bracelets and the moms had a time of fellowship - it was a much needed time of encouraging a dear sister.

Also it was a big day for Sarah, as she started piano lessons again!  

Our sweet friend Amy is teaching her.

Yesterday was Lindsay's surgery.  It went very well, and I thank you so much for your prayers for her and the surgery.  The doctor was delighted to find that she had no tear in the meniscus - said it must have been like a bruise and that it healed itself!

She's recovering well, and will start therapy tomorrow.  I was up with her at 3:00am to give her pain med.  Because this surgery requires a bit of tunneling through the bone, the doctor said that she'd have pain from that and to keep ahead of it by not missing a dose of medication.  So far she's been very comfortable.  We're thankful!

I finally got the mowing done yesterday, too.  Too much rain and too many days of high temps and high humidity caused me to put it off.  Well it's done now and looks so lush and green.  In the last few years as we got to late July and into August the front yard especially would be a bit crunchy it was so dry.  Not this year.

Today is cello for Rachel.  It suits her.  Her instructor is so perfect for Rachel.  Here is a link to one of her compositions based on the Lord of the Rings - Legolas's Song of the Sea.   She is now recording with her friend and they have a new cd out.  You can find her youtube page under Yolanda Mott.  She has other music she's done.  She's a lovely young woman and beautiful cellist.  She says that Rachel reminds her of herself at this age.

So there you have it Wednesday.  I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow except perhaps swimming at Camp Geezer.  Friday is my big shopping trip and we are hosting our church's Love and Respect video series. 

Monday we start our school year again.  I am leaving for Scotland in 18 days!  So excited!

Here are some of my beautiful Rudebekia growing by my deck.

I hope you're having a great day!  Rachel is done with her lesson now and we are going to head to Sonic to buy slushies for everyone as a treat!


Vee said...

Another busy household...I just smile because I know that it is for a season and then the busyness shifts in a new direction. Lovely to see Sarah taking her piano lessons. Link? I'll have to go float to find. Enjoy the day and the week.

Vee said...

Found it! That was lovely and beautiful imagery, too. Forgot to say the first time that your grand looks so adorable in your glasses. Ha!

Terra said...

Your yellow flowers are dancing across the screen, and the homemaking time for your daughters sounds fun. Sewing skirts, aprons, making friendship bracelets.

Cheryl said...

I can't believe your trip to Scotland is almost sounded so far away when you first told me about it, and now only 18 days?!

Busy but productive times! I love the idea of your homemaking group. Learning to play an instrument is a great use of time. Your flowers are (of course!) beautiful.

Spring Is On The Way

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