Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Getting Started

This is our verse for our school year!  I think it is a great one.  Rachel thought of it.  I always go for the one that says "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom, " which is Proverbs 90:12.

Mondays are going to be busy for us as we get our morning school done and then Sarah's piano teacher arrives with her family, she has her lesson and then we start our home economics group.  We made bread yesterday.  The French Sweet Bread we all love, and that Rachel makes every month for our church's communion service.

Here is the recipe - 

French Sweet Bread

1 package dry yeast
1/4 cup lukewarm water
1 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt (I omit the salt unless using unsalted butter, then use 1/4-1/2 teaspoon)
6 tablespoons melted butter
4 cups flour (4 to 4 1/2 cups total)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1. Dissolve yeast in water. Heat milk to lukewarm. In a different bowl, combine egg, sugar, cinnamon and salt, if using.
2. Add yeast, milk and 4 Tablespoons butter and mix again. Add flour gradually till it can be gathered into a soft ball. Blend in remaining flour with fingers.
3. Turn out onto lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic. Use remaining butter to keep fingers from sticking. Don't use any more flour.
4. Place in lightly oiled bowl. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled. Punch down and knead a few times. Divide in half, then divide each half into 3 pieces and roll each piece between hands into a long rope.
5. Braid ropes from middle, pinching ends together. Form into ring if desired, place on oiled baking sheet.
6. Cover and let double. Bake at 350ยบ F for 30-45 minutes. 

This bread is wonderful and easy to make.  

Next week,  we are taking a field trip to the fabric store to pick out fabric for skirts.  They will be sewing simple skirts for their first projects.  Should be fun!

Now I have to go call my kids for the second time this morning.  They are used to sleeping in, and have to get used to being up earlier again.  

At least they won't be late for the bus!


Theresa said...

Great verse:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Why do you begin your school year now? I know there has to be a good reason, but can't figure it out. That is a wonderful verse for the year. This bread sounds very good.

Cheryl said...

That is a good choice for a verse for your school year...although I love yours too. It is one of my favorite verses, set within one of my favorite chapters!

And that bread...after we had Rachel's bread at your house and you generously shared the recipe with Kati, she has made it several times and it is a hit! Soooo good...

Your comment about having to give a second call to your students this morning made me smile. I foresee the same scenario at my house in a few weeks. During the summer, the schedule goes to pot!

Farrah said...

Many blessings for your school year!

Karen said...

It always makes me smile to hear about you guys making my French Sweet Bread.

I love that Rachel is your bread maker, too, as I started making it in my youth as well (though I was older than Rachel is).

Great verse for your school year!

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