Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 22, 2013

Lindsay Goes Under The Knife - UPDATE

****Lindsay's surgery went great and she is home and resting.  The doctor was so pleased to find that there was not a tear in the meniscus at all!  Just needed to replace the ACL and that went splendidly! She's happy to have it done.  The staff were all very warm, friendly people and they were all so interested in her job as animal handler!  She even had a nurse showing her photos of her own horse!

Here is a photo of her not too long before she went in for her surgery.

Thanking you all for your prayers!  What a blessing you are to me!

By the time you read this, most of you anyway, her surgery will be over.  We found out this morning that we have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am and her surgery is at 7:30 am.

She is eager to get this done and get back to her normal life.  She said tonight, "How soon can I run?"  Not that she is a runner or anything but she cannot wait to MOVE normally again!

She has been doing great - great attitude, cheerful, doing her pre-surgery therapy, chasing little chickens around the yard....

It's three weeks until we board a plane to Scotland, and hopefully she'll be able to get back to work a few weeks after that.  Her company doesn't want her back until she is 100%.  She misses her animals, and walking a horse up the center aisle during a show, and helping put the halters back on the llamas after they 'board' the ark.  This girl loves her work.

Please pray with us for her doctor - we really like him.  Pray for her recovery, that it will be quick.  We told our dear friend Georgia who is recovering from knee surgery due to a break, that we'll get her over here and she and Lindsay can hang out in the double reclining love seat together and talk horses, and the outdoor life they both love!

I'll update tomorrow.  Sorry this is so late.  I had quite a full day here.  It was good and we had sweet fellowship.  I'm thankful for the body of Christ.


Cheryl said...

I will be praying for Lindsay tomorrow. I know that she is in His very own capable, powerful hands!

Debbie said...

I'm here ahead of time! Early morning wake ups do have their advantages when you get ahead of the surgery to pray.

Unknown said...

Praying for Lindsay....

May this day bring healing and joy. Take care.

Vee said...

Oh I haven't seen this until now. Praying for a quick recovery. Looking forward to an update. The image of Georgia and Lindsay hanging out on the love seat makes me grin. I think they should play it for all it's worth!

Vee said...

She sure looked chipper! I'd not be surprised that she's looking nearly that chipper now.

Theresa said...

I am praying for complete healing dear friend! HUGs and Prayers coming your way!

Cheryl said...

Good news! Praise the Lord!

Melissa G said...

She has a beautiful smile, even in a hospital bed!
I'm so glad the surgery went smoothly. I'll be praying for her hearling and for your upcoming trip.

Ginny said...

How great to hear the report on Lindsay's surgery! What a blessing that her meniscus wasn't torn. I will continue to pray for her recovery even as I recover from my knee replacement, which I had this past Tuesday. Praise God for His watchcare over us!

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