Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Praise and A Prayer Request

Becky's delightful mother in law fell a few weeks ago and broke her knee.  She's been sprung from rehab, but is adjusting to being at home and yet not being able to put pressure on her leg at all for about 4 more weeks!

Also tomorrow Becky and her husband take their daughter Chelsea and Becky's mom Ruth to the airport.  Chelsea is going on an adventure.

A big one.

See, she is going to Australia to do training at a WYAM base and then in 3 months she'll be going to Thailand.  Big stuff and oh, so far away from home.

This is where the prayer comes in.

Pray for Chelsea and her trip and time in Australia.  God is going to teach her some things, of this we can be certain!

Also pray for Becky.  She is happy and sad all at the same time.

Pray too for Georgia, Becky's mil.  She was supposed to go on the first leg of this journey with Ruth and can't because of the leg.  

Tomorrow Rachel, Sarah and I are going to take brunch over to Georgia's house and keep her company for a while.  She's only come home a day or so ago and we do not want any falls or anything while they are on their airport run.

Thanks Friends, I knew I could count on you!


Debbie said...

I am glad to see this before I hit my prayer chair this morning. I was just about to wash out the coffee cup and head there.

Now, I can join the prayer warriors.

Unknown said...

You got it, done and done!

Vee said...

A chalkboard! How fun!

Yes, praying for you all...I know that it's one of those bittersweet times.

Cheryl said...

I will pray for Becky and her family! It is hard on a mama's heart to let a child venture out (even when they're not "children").

Theresa said...

I will be praying for Chelsea as she starts this journey, Becky as she will be missing her and Georgia as she heals! HUGS and prayers coming across the miles!

Karen said...

It's hard to believe the time has already come for Chelsea's trip.

Our family is praying for Chelsea and Ruth's travels, Georgia's recovery, and Warren and Becky for everything!

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