Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Haste Ye Back

So, day two of Scotland.  I am thinking with a Scottish accent as I write this, but of course you can't hear it.  The Scottish accent is lovely, but a bit different depending on where the person is from in Scotland.  

Today was all about family history so we headed down to Ballantrae to see if we could find the family seat.  With the help of a very knowledgeable librarian, we did!  We were unable to find the original house - not sure if it is actually still there but we found the farm that is part of the original estate.  Auchenflower is the name of it.  When we mentioned it the librarian knew right away where it was and how to get there.  That was exciting to my Dad - to find that the things he had found online were accurate!  Also I was thinking about how at home these names sound like they are made up places but we find they really do exist and our family name is not unusual.

We even found some dear departed members in the cemetery.

Here are some photos of our day.

At a cemetery in Girvin....

Beautiful stones of remembrance.

 On to a beautiful Castle on the coast...

 I could really picture the men at arms down in this area with bows and arrows ready to defend the castle....

Here is a lovely video Lindsay took of the castle and grounds.  We were unable to tour the inside of this castle due to the time, but walking the grounds was such a treat!

We also ate the best fish and chips in Ballantrae....

We are loving the different road signs that we are seeing.  This one delighted us especially.


Melissa G said...

I be sure to hasten back for more pictures and stories! :)

Vee said...

Slower, Lindsay! ☺ What a great castle! What good news to find your family information. We have horror stories on this side of the pond about finding such information. So glad that it went smoothly!

Lorrie said...

The sign makes me smile.
What lovely sights you are visiting - Scotland has always seemed a beautiful, green place to me although I've never been there.

Kathy said...

This is all so beautiful. Thanks for taking us along for the tour. I will certainly haste me back.

Anonymous said...

Where are Evan, you and Lindsay? I have seen Papa Bob so I know he is there! Saw a pic of Evan in London so I think he is with you! Don't forget people pics!! Family loves people pics!!

Debbie said...

Love this! I really do want to visit that place if I ever get the time and courage. I haven't clicked the video yet. I'm going to do so now.

(And I would be not only thinking in a Scottish accent, I would be literally talking in one. That's the kind of thing I do on vacation. )

Debbie said...

Loved the castle!!

Theresa said...

Do you think you could fit that gate in your bag? I would love to have it! Thanks:) Have a blessed and safe journey! HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Oh dear...the days are ticking away! What memories you are making! It'll take you travelers days to tell the rest of your family all about your adventures. Looking forward to hearing about more of them here...when you catch your breath, that is. Wait until you've had plenty of time to rest and get lots of hugs from your loved ones. :)

Terra said...

Oh haste ye back, I love that. There is so much beauty in your photos and in the stones that are part of castles, walls, etc. Fantastic to trace your ancestors, you must have had goose bumps (as we say in the US).
Scotland Forever.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...