Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Eating

We stopped by a local produce stand today and bought some sweet corn - both bi color and white.

I saw a tip online for cooking the corn in the oven with the husks on @ 350 degrees for 25 - 30 minutes.  

Chop the big end off...

Peel from the other end - the husks and the silk just come right off.

Easy peasy....

We paired it with grilled chicken...

Locally grown, amazingly delicious cantaloup, and peaches.

Lindsay and I peeled a half peck of peaches today and after eating some for dinner and setting some aside for munching tomorrow, I decided to can 4 quarts.

We can't wait to enjoy some of that peachy goodness in the middle of the Winter.

Do you do any canning?  


Debbie said...

I am so glad you posted the tip about the corn. We have been doing it similarly in the microwave for the two of us, but it's not practical to do it that way for a larger group. I will definitely try this!

Vee said...

Not if I can help it! Those peaches look great, though. So did the flavor of the corn change? Was it good and hot?

Cheryl said...

That dinner looks scrumptious! Fresh produce is one of the best things about summer!

We can a little. Pepper relish, green pepper jelly, strawberry jam...and this year, peach chutney! We used to can tomatoes and green beans too, but we don't have a big garden any more.

Theresa said...

I canned some salsa and will be making pear relish later this Summer! Your peaches look so YUMMY! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I'm doing a lot of freezing but haven't felt well enough to do canning. So thankful for the deep freeze right now!

Once Mr. & Mrs. Christopher move into a house, she is getting all my canning supplies. She grew up canning with her mom.

Rebecca said...

No - no canning for me (thought I DO help a friend who generously keeps me in seasonal vegetables). If I had a bigger freezer I'd probably do a bit more freezing... Oh, my - those peaches look SO wonderful. So far the ones at the supermarket have been too hard to attract me....I need to get out to one of the nearby Amish markets and get me a bunch!

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