Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 26, 2013

Headed South

Tim and I will be headed to Florida, perhaps leaving today if we are driving.  We'd like to fly but last minute flights are expensive, so we are looking at all of our options.

We need to be there by Tuesday evening, so Tim's sisters, brother in law and Terry's (Jean's husband) daughter and Tim and I can talk about future living arrangements.

We are researching possibilities, and pricing just so we have information.  They could potentially move in with Tim's sister and husband who live in the area and are empty nesters.

Tim's mom has her speech back, praise the Lord, but there is calcium in one of her heart valves and the cardiologist believes that a piece broke off and caused her stroke.  They will be doing a Trans esophageal ultrasound today to get a different look at her heart and then they'll be ready to discuss treatment.  

She is starting physical therapy at the hospital and they hope to get her able to use a walker.  So there is definitely a need for change in their living arrangements.

Please pray for us and with us for these decisions that have to be made.  Also pray that Terry and Jean will be accepting of the need for change.  Two years ago they weren't ready to consider it at all at 90 and 88.

Thank you, I love knowing I have the prayer support of such dear friends!


Becky K. said...

Let me know if your kiddos need anything. I know having grown ones makes leaving easier...but if anyone needs a ride or anything, just ask.

Praying for you as you travel and deal with these important family matters. May God bless everyone involved with wisdom.

Debbie said...

I am just getting here because I was away from Blog Land over the weekend. I wish I had been here earlier, but I will be joining the prayer warriors.
I'll pray for travel mercies for you two and for God's clear direction for you all as you make decisions.

And please know that I will also be very specifically lifting her for the healing hand of God on her. I thank God all the time for the gifts of divine, direct healing and the more subtle gift of intellect that he gives to those He uses to heal through medicine and therapy.

What a smile that woman has!! I'm so grateful that He has already moved to restore her speech.

Cheryl said...

We'll continue to pray (for direction, for grace, for wisdom, for peace, for travel safety...) as decisions are made and as life changes. May God's presence be known in all of it. Love to you...

Vee said...

Praying for traveling mercies and for The Lord to show the family what is best. It isn't easy with a married couple who wish to continue being together and with so many health needs. God bless you all...

Theresa said...

I will most certainly be praying! Safe travels! HUGS and PRAYERS!

podso said...

Thankful she can communicate with you again and will pray for all those huge decisions (and the small ones too.)

Sue said...

I will continue to pray for wisdom in all decisions, and continual healing for your MIL. Also praying for safe travel.
Blessings, Sue

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