Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm Home

and I am so happy to have wrapped my arms around my darlings, and to have slept in my own bed.

Part of my heart though will always be in Scotland.

On Wednesday we left Dumbarton and Overtoun House and headed for the Isle of Skye.  My family ancestors originated as a family there on the upper most point of Skye in Kilmuir.

To get to Skye one must drive through the Highlands.  Poor us.

 These brae's are so beautiful shrouded in the mists.  The weather in Scotland is changeable.  It can be cloudy and rainy and a few minutes later the sun will break through and we'll have blue skies and sunshine.  The famous saying is "If you don't like the weather in Scotland wait 15 minutes."

 In the Scottish Gaelic a brae is a hill and ben is a mountain.  We drove past both.  Also the scenery would change from very lush green braes to very barren, rocky braes.  It was beautiful.  The Glencoe area is very rocky.

 Oftentimes there would be sheep out on these braes.  I don't think there are any in my photos here though, sadly.

All of my photos are taken with my iPhone.  My camera fell out of my suitcase before I finished packing and I didn't know.  So I got to Scotland with my battery charger for my camera but no camera. Luckily, my phone takes decent photos and there is picmonkey to assist as well.
This castle's name is Castle Stalker.  It is the ancestral home of one of my dear blogging friends' husbands' clan.  Clan ties are very important.  I sent her a copy of this photo and will send her Lindsay's photos (which are better with her slr) and she can choose whether she wants to show you all.  It is a very cool place and to get to the castle you must use a boat.  It is not open for tours as is it  lived in by the family.

 Here is our lodging at Glen Shiel a few minutes away from Kyle of Lochalsh, where there is a bridge to Skye.
This lodge beautiful.  We stayed in the Wee Bunkhouse, a cabin with three sets of bunks and they will rent you just a bunk or you can rent the whole thing.  Since their were four of us, we rented out the space for just us.  It was a more economical way to go, but someday I'd love to stay in the lodge.

 Just up behind the bunkhouse and to the left is where the Lodge is and there is a smallish bar/restaurant.  It is busy every night and we ate dinner there both nights we were staying here.  
The food was incredible.  Seriously good.  I had a vegetarian lasagna the first night and steak pie the second night.  It's gourmet eating.  

 Dad sitting in the bunkhouse.  Behind him is the bathroom and to his left over there is the wee kitchen.

On our way to Skye!

More to come.....


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Beautiful scenery!

Welcome home! Heather L. (who I consider my "blog daughter" and comments once in awhile) and her family just left on a six week sabbatical in Scotland.

I will have to travel through your pictures. ;)

Lorrie said...

How lovely! Do people actually live in that castle in the photo? It looks quite decrepit and old. How I'd love to take a peek inside.

Welcome home and I'm looking forward to more.

Sue said...

Welcome home! the photos are absolutely beautiful, I can only imagine how beautiful everything looked in person. Great photo of you!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!! Should make the pic of you your profile pic!!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...