Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Scotland - Day One

We are staying in Dumbarton for two days at Overtoun House.

My nephew Evan comes over and volunteers time doing work projects, as the owners work to restore this amazing house.  

Here is the view from the kitchen window.  There is an interesting story about this bridge - google Overtoun Bridge.  

This is in the tea room.

 This is the ceiling in the tea room.

The view looking down the street at City Center, Glasgow.

We walked our feet off yesterday.  We were so tired from our flight but as long as we were moving we were fine. 
This is the Glasgow Cathedral, the only medieval cathedral on the Scottish mainland. 
 We were a half an hour too late to tour it.  I don't know if we'll get a chance to come back this way, as today we are headed to Ayrshire and tomorrow we leave for Skye.

This castle is Bothwell Castle home of Archibald the Grim.  Gotta feel bad for his wife.....

 This monument is David Livingstone.  You can see the Cathedral in the background.

It's bigger on the inside...

Pretty flowers everywhere in City Center...

 Dad yesterday at lunch...
Well, they are waiting for me to get going.  We have to do our email and posts as we have wifi, so I will try to post again before we leave here tomorrow.

We are having a wonderful time.  The people are lovely, the accents delightful, though like everywhere there are a few that are hard to understand.  

Lindsay has delightful photos - mine are taken with my cell phone.  I'll try to get a few of Lindsay's to share, but know that I'll be inundating you with photos for weeks to come!



Debbie said...

It looks just wonderful! That is someplace that I would really love to visit with my husband someday. I hope you post tons of pictures so we can enjoy it vicariously.

Becky K. said...

That tea room ceiling! Swoon!!

So glad you are having a good time. Hope you get rested up from your jet lag.

Melissa G said...

Whoohoo! The first post from Scotland! Great to see photos and hear your stories! Can't wait to hear more! Have a wonderful day! Don't forget to enjoy some Scottish shortbread with your tea. :) yum!

Vee said...

Oh excellent! I'm enchanted. Don't worry about emailing, I'll meet you right here as you are able to post. Very excited for you all!!

Theresa said...

I will enjoy your trip right along with you:) Thanks for sharing all of this beauty with me! THAT BRIDGE... AWESOME! Have a blessed and safe day, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Deanna, your cell phone pictures are have a good eye!! I know you're having a fabulous time, seeing the sights, experiencing the culture. Please tell me you were able to have tea in that glorious tea room, my tea loving friend!

Unknown said...

Love being an armchair traveler! The tea room is delightful. Love the ceilings!
Do they have an afternoon teatime in Scotland?

Anonymous said...

Yes they do Judy!! My son stayed here for three months about three years ago! They have a B&B and unwed mother area and help with after school kids nearby!!

Unknown said...

I've so enjoyed perusing your photos of Scotland! I have a wee tad of Scottish blood in me and would love love love to visit there one day!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...