Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 2, 2014


It's our anniversary and we are off to spend part of the day together before Tim goes to work.

Marriage is a refining process.  I am convinced that God has always meant more for marriage than romance and candlelight.  

It's a tool God uses to knock the hard edges off of you, to make you more like Him if you allow Him to do His work.

Marriage is trust, not just trusting each other but trusting that God has my good in mind even when He allows pain.

He is good.

I am thankful for His refining work in me.  And I am thankful for 26 years of marriage to my husband.


Becky K. said...

Enjoy your time together.
Congratulations on 26 years together.

Becky K. said...

Enjoy your time together.
Congratulations on 26 years together.

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Hope you have a very blessed day. What a nice photo.


Cheryl said...

Happy Anniversary, friends! You are blessed! (And that is a great picture of the two of you!)

Humble wife said...

Happy Anniversary! May you continue in your refining with your special man!

podso said...

Good word. and happy anniversary!

sherry said...

anniversary blessings to you ♥
may the Lord do wonderful things in and through your marriage in the coming years. hugs.

Sue said...

Congratulations Deanna, Happy Anniversary, enjoy your celebration! I so agree with your thoughts on marriage! great posting, I always leave so encouraged.
Wishing you and your dear family a most blessed and Happy new Year!

Rebecca said...

♥ Happy Anniversary. ♥ And your observation that marriage is meant for more than romance and candlelight is something that was on my mind just a day or two ago! Maybe it's just my age, but it seems to me that the emphasis "out there" may sometimes put more pressure on an individual or relationship than necessary. I for one don't need to be wined and dined. Rather it is the thoughtful and daily considerations that keep marriage fueled. Give me that ANY day over a weekly/monthly date night!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated anniversary, Deanna! I wish the two of you many more happy years together.

What a nice pic of the two of you, you look *gorgeous*. :)

Anonymous said...

Ooops....for some reason I got the date confused and thought your anniversary already happened. So instead of 'belated' anniversary wishes, I wish you a Happy Anniversary! ;)

Vee said... still look like a couple of kids. Yes, marriage is the most profound and intense of relationships. Anything less is merely friendship, a lovely relationship, but not what God has in mind between Himself and His church. It boggles the mind! Hope that you both enjoyed a pleasant time celebrating together.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you Love Birds!!!

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