Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Crazy Weather - Are You Prepared?

This week we've had record setting lows and this weekend we are having record setting highs.  We went from from -1 degrees with a windchill of -13 to today's high of 59 degrees.  We also have gone from icy rain yesterday morning to heavy rain today.

The weather is wacky for January.  And our area is not the only place for this strange behavior.

My friend Brenda at Coffee, Tea, Books and Me has been blogging about keeping a pantry and preparing for the unexpected for years. This week they had blizzard conditions, arctic temperatures, lost the transmission on their van and had a water pipe burst in the garage!  

I'd encourage you to read her post from today, and then check her sidebar for links to other posts about Living the Pantry Lifestyle, Deepening the Pantry, and her Frugal Living posts.  Good stuff for all of us!


Vee said...

Brenda is the best for such resources. The transmission blew on the van? Good heavens! I always feel as if we are living parallel lives. Freezing rain here today. Ugh.

Theresa said...

We have had weird weather here in the South too! It rained so hard last night and this morning, then the sun was shining this afternoon! I keep my pantry pretty well stocked and occasionally live out of it for a week or so to refresh some of the older items in it! Great idea and I will head over and get some tips from your friend! HUGS!

podso said...

We had bad storms and lost power yesterday--really wild. Thanks for the link!

nannykim said...

Yes, we have had really weird weather too! It went from 8 degrees to 74 in one week!

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