Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Road Goes Ever On And On…

And so it begins…Tim has started to read aloud The Fellowship of the Ring.  

This has become a favorite time of day, the work of the day being done, and the relaxing begins.


Cheryl said...

Memory-making moments...

Terra said...

Treasured moments reading aloud and listening, and great choice of books.

Phoebes World said...

How wonderful...I miss those family moments
Phoebe x

Debbie said...

Yes! I love the whole picture, both the one you took with the camera and the one you have drawn in the family.

Vee said...

Oh sweetness...not only that, listening to such stories raises reading levels without any pain at all. It's a wonderful way to end the day. (is this how Tim begins his?)

Sue said...

This is priceless! both the photo and the reading, memories for sure as both travel this road called life!
Thanks for your very sweet comment, and friendship!

podso said...

There's nothing better than reading aloud --at first I thought you were saying he was reading it again after reading it to the older children. Shared memories when you read aloud together--love it!

Brenda said...

Hello there friend! I love reading out loud. What wonderful family time. I have been gone but am back. Will catch up on more posts too. I see you have had a lot of snow! Wow. Stay warm my friend..

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