Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 6, 2014

Starting The Day Right

We are back to a regular school schedule today.  I should qualify this statement by saying that it is rare that any two days look the same around here.

However, after a lighter December schedule, and two weeks off for birthdays (Tim and Lindsay's), Christmas, New Years, and our 26th anniversary, it is time to get back to it!

We as a family are reading My Utmost Devotional Bible with daily readings from Oswald Chambers, Old Testament, Proverbs, Psalms and the New Testament.

Right now we are getting breakfast, making beds, and getting dressed.  Then we will have our Morning Time - today we will chose our next passage of the Bible to work on, and we will begin to memorize a new poem.  I'm going to let them help choose this time.  They need a bit of motivating to get out of the holiday mode and back to daily life.  Kyle said, "Why can't it be Christmas break forever?"  I'm sure we all feel this way, but soon Christmas wouldn't be special anymore.

The kids made snowmen last night but it rained and they don't look so good now.

Look at all that green grass!  We were covered in snow yesterday, but with warming temperatures, and rain it is mostly gone.  I don't think we are expecting snow anytime soon, but the temperatures tomorrow are going to be very cold!  Can you say Wind Chill?

Stay warm everyone, and have a wonderful day!


Sarah said...

Oh your poor snowmen. It's sad when they melt right away and their noses fall out! :D

I'm still hoping for snow here, but it's still rain, rain, rain.

Vee said...

Yes, we all have to get back to it. Though the break certainly has been lovely. I was just going to say that the grass is very green there! Very. It must like snow and cold weather.

podso said...

A good way to start the day and get back on track. Your poor snowman. Maybe he'll stay around awhile since it's getting so cold, unless the wind knocks him over!

Farrah said...

We got back to it as well. We only had flurries so at least you got to see some snow and make a snowman.:)

Theresa said...

Sounds like you all are starting your day off in the right way:) Enjoy your week and STAY WARM! HUGS!

Cheryl said...

It was back to school for us today too, and it was a very welcome return to routine. Despite a late start, we were able to get a full school day in, and even get some household chores done. Winter is actually one of my favorite parts of the school year!

Judy said...

Awe, the poor snowman :) It's going to be a few days before our snow will melt, we're still below zero in the double digits.

Debbie said...

There's a lesson in that snowman. I just know it. I just can't think of it right now.

As for what you said about Christmas being less "special" if we had it all the time, those were such wise words. I've been thinking along those lines about other things in general lately. I call it the "pumpkin latte" effect. There is a great deal of beauty and joy to the limited edition things, if that makes sense.

Anyway, obviously I'm just rambling. Happy new days and happy new year.

Home Keeping

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