Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January Is A Fresh Start

Do you feel like that too?

After the Autumn decor, and Christmas beauties, I like to ease into January with a fresh look.  I have a few areas right now that would seem minimalist, and you know what?

I don't like it, it's not "me."

Don't get me wrong.  I do not love a cluttered look, but I like a cozy feel to my home.  

I am working on a new look for my massive shelf over our stairway.  It is a work in progress.  It needs some height to it in spots, perhaps something tall tucked behind the jars.  We'll see.  I was inspired by my friend Amy's fireplace mantel.  

I think I will add in my white pottery.  It looks pretty at night with the lights on.

We moved an end table out of the living room in order to fit the tree in, and we put it in Sarah and Rachel's room.  It works nicely in there for them, but I need something here in the living room to hold a lamp.  This space is way to empty for my taste!

My own favorite look is a natural layered look.  One that looks like you've gathered things over time and have out the things you love. Which is basically what I do.

This is a cozy corner and more of what I like.  Winter is a dark and cold time of year and so I like light and I like warmth in my decor.

How about you?


Vee said...

Right! Anything to cozy it up. Perhaps you can shop the house and find the perfect thing to put by the door. Now all your very cozy reading nook needs is a cup of tea and a blankie! Cozy on...

Rebecca said...

I'm like you. I like cozy but not cluttered (though I suspect I lean toward cluttered in most peoples' opinions). I like little reading corners like yours and have more than one of them here at Gatescroft...

Sarah said...

I like a cosy cottage look. I'm not a very modern girl. :)

Your house looks pretty. x

podso said...

I bet that is a cozy corner, especially at night with those lights on. Coziness is very important to me.

Tiff said...

I like a natural layered look too, but sometimes I fuss around with things so much I lose the look I'm after ;)
I could totally see a large cow painting(I love cows) on that shelf behind the jars.
I'm in the process of redecorating too.

Happy New Year.


Cheryl said...

I am in your boat...too many sparse spaces for my taste. But each day I am doing a little more and cozying up the place bit by bit.

I like your blue jars on the shelf. Be sure to show us how it looks with the white sounds so pretty!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...