Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Heading Home

Our time here has been short, but long enough for now.  We've filled it with fun and family.  Tim's Mom has had these four kids of hers together for 3 days.  It's been fun.

We've gone to the beach twice, swam in the pool several times, watched the USA beat Ghana in the World Cup, had tea, gone to lunch, did some shopping.  Mostly we've shared our hearts, watched our beautiful, talkative Mom, sit quietly very unusual for her.  

We got together for dinner at Tim's oldest sister's home, and took a few family photos.

 Dan, Virginia (Ginna), Mom (Jean), Esther, and Tim.

 Sarah, Anna, Kyle, Nicole, Grammy, Sara Anne, Rachel, Crystal and her daughter Miriam.

These are just a few of her grandkids and one great grandchild of the four she has!

Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, it was late evening, and low lighting.  I will try to do some editing when we get home.

We are thankful for this time we've had with them all. 

God is good.


Becky K. said...

Such special moments. This is one of those trips that you will always be glad you took.

podso said...

Good times you will savor and always remember.

Estelle's said...

Oh how fun! I love pictures of families getting together and enjoy time together! Lovely photos Deanna! How special this must have been for all of you, especially for Tim's Mom...she looks so darling and sweet!

Debbie said...

So glad that you were blessed with family time! My girls have only one living grandparent now, and I know how valuable it is. Even though I like the children pictures, the grandchildren pictures are my favorites.

Cheryl said...

What a blessing to have had this time to enjoy and to make memories. I will be praying for safe and happy travels as you head for home.

Vee said...

What a beautiful family all smiles! Kyle continues to crack me up!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

My kids have three grandparents still living. We are appreciative of every moment we get with them.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

She's an amazing woman. She was a missionary in West Africa for 23 years, and has continued to serve others since then. She is giving, and a true sanguine person. It was special, thanks!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Yes, Becky we will!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Dotsie, you know, as well as I do, that when you are a part of a missionary family, you are grateful for every chance you can to be together! This is one for the memory books, of course, with Tim's mom's age, but we really do not ever know when the last time we may see someone is.

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