Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 2, 2014

Gardening: Glorious Peonies

I've decided to withdraw my previous post about hospitality.  I will write about it again when I get it resolved in my own heart.

Until then I am going to focus on  "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."  Philippians 4:8

These peonies are lovely, and excellent so I am going to share them with you here today!


Jen said...

i am still waiting for mine to open!

Cheryl said...

Beautiful peonies!

And I love your beautiful servant heart! (I quickly read your hospitality post this morning as I was on my way out the door and I didn't have time to comment. I pray that the Lord will give you wisdom as you ponder the issues. I know He will! Hugs...)

Lorrie said...

Your peonies are lush and beautiful. I didn't read your hospitality post as I'm catching up after being away from the computer for the weekend. I don't know what the issue is, but I do know that hospitality isn't always easy.

podso said...

Our peonies are long gone and weren't the best this year so I am enjoying your gorgeous ones. What vibrant color! Enjoy them!

Lois said...

Ohhh...I LOVE those peonies!! I grew up with them blooming along our front-yard beautiful. Now I live in MS and NEVER see them. Thank you for making this northern girl's day! :-) (I grew up close to Reading, PA)

Rebecca said...

Love the peonies AND have been blessed that my single bush bloomed prolifically this week after at least 10 years of sparseness!

Now I'm trying to remember If I read the post you are withdrawing or not! Sure am curious :)

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