Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

2 Grandbabies In 2 Days, Born Less Than 24 Hours Apart!

Klaire Annabelle made her arrival this morning at 1:14 am!  She's a tiny little peanut 5lbs 12.4 oz and only 18 inches long!  She's healthy and an eager nurser!

She came fast, so I missed the actual birth, but was there shortly after!  I got to hold her and enjoy her for quite a while.

Big sister Kamryn just got to hold her!  Nate sent me this!

My heart is so full.  

Thank you God for these precious grandgirlies.  May they grow in grace and in the knowledge of your goodness.


Samuel & Lois said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! I've been checking your blog often these days, just waiting to hear the news. :-) They are gorgeous, sweet lil punkins. You all will have so much fun in the coming days, months, years! Happy grandmothering. :-)

Melissa G said...

Wow! What a wonderful week! :)
Welcome Klaire! <3

Susanna said...

I'm so happy to see this news! What a beautiful girl...those big eyes! I'm excited for Kamryn to have her own baby sister!

Vee said...

Kamryn looks as if she is holding a doll. Darling picture! Congrats on your wonderful bumper crop! Two new grands in two days...amazing!

Thankful for Grace said...

She's beautiful!!! What a sweet photo of Kamryn holding her.

Wow, 2 beautiful baby girls in less than 24 hours. How fun...the cousins will grow up almost like twins.

I am rejoicing with your family on these precious gifts from God.

Christine said...

Two'n Two!
Babies are such a welcome joy. You have double joy!
It looks like everyone is doing so well.
Time to rest, Grandma.

~~~~~ ** CONGRATULATIONS **~~~~~

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

How sweet, congratulations Grandma.

Cheryl said...

Oh my...these photos are precious!! The one of the sweet little head makes me melt. (I think I can almost smell baby when I see that!) And I love the picture of Kamryn with Klaire. She looks delighted with her baby sister!

What blessings God has given to your family! I continue to rejoice with you!

Rebecca said...

So precious. I love the little head coverings babies wear these days!

Debby Ray said...

Oh what joy at the birth of these two precious little ones! So glad all went well. That is a LOT of excitement in one week! What a wonderful blessing for your family!

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