Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 3, 2016

Thoughts About My Birthday and Other Stuff

I had a very nice birthday.  Lots of delightful sunshine this afternoon, beautiful weather especially after so many days of rain.  I was going to take the day off, and we did take it off as an official school holiday!  But after a morning of reading and drinking tea, and two nice phone calls, and a surprise visit from my Dad bringing flowers...I caught a glimpse of how overgrown the yard and property was looking, and I decided that I would mow.  Of course, the mower needed gas and the gas can was empty, which necessitated a trip to the closets gas station.  No big deal really, and when I got home, I popped in my earbuds, turned on a new podcast by Sally Clarkson, and got to it.  The weather was perfect and the podcast so good, that the time went by quickly. ( I actually listened to two podcasts, and some Pandora before the whole property was mowed.)

I had an afternoon phone call from Tim's sweet sister Esther, and caught up on my many kind FB birthday greetings.  Tim and I decided that we'd take the kids to Chick-fil-A for dinner, and my mom and Emma joined us for dessert.  Rachel got finished her shift not too long after we finished eating, so we all enjoyed a little ice dream and fun conversation.  Sarah had Kyle laughing so hard for part of the time, it was so funny to see.

After we got home, Nate, Kay, and Kamryn came down to wish me a happy birthday!  I had heard from both of them through texting early in the day, but it was lovely to have a visit and hugs from all of them and kisses too! 

In fact I had lots of good hugs today from my family!  They are my greatest gifts!

Tim gave me a wonderful card - it filled my tank full of words of affirmation which is my love language! 

I don't know what constitutes a good birthday to you, but a day to relax, time with my family, and the peace that comes from a relationship with my creator is the best birthday I could imagine.

I declared the other day that I was going to stretch my birthday out for a whole week, and Tim laughed at me!  But I am!  We went out to eat on Sunday with the whole family, tonight we ate out so I didn't have to cook on my birthday, tomorrow night the business is taking out a couple who have been so encouraging to us as we started this business and Tim does a lot of subcontracting work for their company.  We love this couple and it is a gift to get time with them.  I don't know what I am doing on Wednesday yet - maybe a bit of birthday shopping!  Thursday we have co-op...of course with Emma and Kay due any day, I could have two new grandbabies by the end of the week! 

So exciting!

As I think about my life, I can't believe that I am older than the young woman who lives in my head!  Aren't I only 25 or so?  I guess that is impossible since my oldest is 27!  However, I feel young at heart and hope to always stay that way.

For me, it means keeping my eyes on Jesus, and walking with him daily.  He is my friend, the one who truly knows me and he loves me.  In fact, he delights over me with singing!  Isn't that amazing?!

When I keep my eyes on him, I have peace, and that allows me to focus on joy.  In the midst of this sad, broken world, I am thankful to rest beneath his everlasting arms, and to find refuge and peace and joy there.

And that keeps me young.  That and these delightful people that he has placed in my life - both family and friends. I'm grateful for each one of you.

Here's to another year - I pray that it will be a year of grace and mercy and peace.


Cheryl said...

Your birthday sounds simply delightful!! I love the idea of a birthday week and I hope you enjoy it thoroughly!!

Linda said...

You will make it so!
I love these Birthday Thoughts!

Vee said...

This post was so much fun to read. You are a happy gal to feel blessed to mow the lawn listening to Sally Clarkson. You've got me grinning as I leave. Gee, I hope Tim gets on board with the birthday week (why quit there?) concept. It will make it ever so much more fun! =D

podso said...

I think you are in a sweet spot in life. Your birthday sounded wonderful--even that time alone mowing and listening to podcasts and the satisfaction of looking out to a tidy lawn. I think we are always young inside our heads. I received a cute birthday card once showing two nuns playing paddle ball and the caption said How young would you be if you didn't know how old you were? Enjoy your birthday week!

Theresa said...

Sounds like a perfect way to spend a birthday! Happy Birthday to you dear friend, have a blessed day, HUGS!

Lorrie said...

Lovely birthday reflections. Certainly stretch it out for a week!

Estelle's said...

I love, love, love your last photo Deanna! I would frame this one! Wishing you the happiest birthday ever! Blessings and big birthday hugs!

GrammaGrits said...

Belated happy birthday! Sounds like a grand day.

kozimom said...

Happy birthday!! It sounds like a great day, and I too, hope you enjoy your birthday week!
I am often amazed that I am not 25 still, too. How can I be this age already? And yet, I still don't know very much.

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