Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Of Tablecloths, Travelers, and Answered Prayers.

While some of the family are away this weekend, I am planning a ordinary day for myself.  I am not alone, so I can't just indulge in a day of reading and doing whatever I want, but it's going to be a good day.

My plan is to go to the local Mennonite store and buy white thread, so that I can finish hemming 7 round tablecloths for the wedding on October 22nd, that I am helping with.  These were purchased for the church so that we can use them for many things.  They are a little long for our tables at church so before one event earlier this year, someone at church (who shall remain nameless) wanted to shorten them and 'knew' just what to do.  This person hacked them pretty good with scissors and left the edges really raggedy.  I could not believe it.  Anyway, I have two done, and ran out of thread, so I hope to finish them today.

Right now its pretty cloudy but we are supposed to get rain today, our portion of Matthew, I guess.

Our family fared very well, during the storm, thank you so much for your prayers for them.  Power is out for some of them, the others never lost power.  A few trees came down at Tim's sister's house.  At one point they got into a closet, as the trees were cracking, but the house was totally fine.

My great niece Miriam found it a fun adventure! Grammy doesn't look too concerned either!

A tree fell across the driveway, but a kind neighbor with a chain saw cut it up in easy pieces to move!


Thankful for Grace said...

I'm the one who shows up on your traffic feed from Fargo, North Dakota! Funny, I live several hundred miles from there, but for whatever reason, ever since I upgraded to Windows 10, that is how I show up. On the home page of my computer, I get Fargo weather and news. Go figure!

Anyhow...I'm glad all is well in your neck of the woods. My in-laws live on Florida's east coast, and they ended up evacuating. It was only the 2nd time in over 50 years of living there that they felt the need to evacuate. They are safe and sound and back home now.

Recently, our church's women's ministry team bought several tablecloths, so that instead of renting them all the time, we will have our own. The initial expense will be offset after just a few events.

Have a great day,

Terra said...

Thank goodness for your helpful neighbor with a chain saw and glad your family came through the storm safely.

Linda said...

Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. Your photos are beautiful and your trip to the Mennonite store sounds exciting. You have a lovely blog, and I love your header and background, too. :)

Cheryl said...

Thank the Lord that your loved ones are well! It is always a relief to hear good news like that. (Yes, Grammy looks quite calm!)

Hope that you were able to accomplish your goals today...and I hope that you soon have baby news to share!

Tammy said...

Glad you're safe. Here in SE GA, we got it pretty hard, but our home is safe with no damage or downed trees. Power is back on, though our town is hard hit and will be a while till 100 percent.

Rebecca said...

Sounds like your hands (or machine) will be occupied. Happy to hear you and yours are safe.

Theresa said...

I have lots of sewing that needs done around here, wanna come help me? Sweet picture of Miriam and Grammy:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Vee said...

Praise God for His protection for your Florida family and for wonderful neighbors.

Sorry about those tablecloths and glad that you could rescue them!

Christine said...

The picture of Grammy and Miriam crack me up.
Grammy has the wisdom to not get excited and Miriam is so innocent and naive.
Great picture!

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