Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Autumn Is Here

Though we are having warm, nearly hot weather this week.  Last week when I mowed I wore a light jacket.  This week I was in capri's and my short sleeves rolled up to avoid a 'farmer's tan.'

The leaves are changing in earnest now, and these are some photos I took today while mowing.

That crooked tree on the right really blocked my view of the red tree!  I'll have to take a walking tour of the property soon.

Our Red Sunset Maples are just beginning to turn.  They are always lovely.  I'll share them in a few weeks!

What is autumn looking like in your area?


podso said...

Your fall color is starting and already looking good! The weather is odd isn't it? We are getting into the upper 80s this week so I guess summer isn't quite over. Still, the cool mornings and evenings bring welcome relief.

Cheryl said...

We have the beginnings of colored leaves, little clusters of change here and there among the trees. It seem especially late this year, but it has begun...and I am ready!

Theresa said...

The leaves are beginning to turn and fall! Your views are beautiful:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Christine said...

Is your Hot and Cool temps this time of year normal?
I love to go for walks and see all the leaves.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Things are just beginning to unfold here in the south.

A Casa Madeira said...

Olá, as suas imagens são lindas.
Prazer em conhecer seu blog.
Janicce - Brasil/RS

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