Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Thoughts of Home on Thursday

I'm enjoying this sign from my sweet sister/friend Amy.  She sent it with a precious card for my birthday.

I've been making my birthday celebration/enjoyment last all week so far!  It's been fun!  Today Rachel and I shopped (I have birthday money!) and had lunch out.  With my Chick-fil-A app I had earned a free entree so I ordered that, got my free birthday cookie (which I saved to put in Tim's lunch, and I ordered my iced tea.  I spent a whopping $1.97 for lunch today!  

Emma and Lindsay arrived when the kids were leaving for frisbee.  Lindsay gave her riding lessons, Emma had dinner with Tim and I and then the kids came home with friends to a campfire Tim had built for them.  They roasted some hot dogs and had s'mores, too.

We are thankful to use our home and property to host others and to have enjoyable things for our kids to do with their friends.  It was chilly and clear and the fire was delightful.

Sharing at Thoughts of Home on Thursday!


Estelle's said...

Such a lovely October evening..more birthday fun! Enjoy Deanna!

Stacey said...

Hi Deanna. I love your sign!! What a sweet gift.

Your time outside with the kids looks like so much fun. I loved doing things like that when our kids were little.

Creations By Cindy said...

What a great evening. And that's my kinda lunch! Visiting from Thoughts of Home today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Debby Ray said...

Happy Birthday, Deanna...yes, you are right to just make it last and last, just like I did with my sis at the beach! Oh, there is nothing more fun than a campfire on a chilly fall night...don't you just love it? I also want to thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful comment you left on my blog Our God is truly an awesome God! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Sherry said...

what a generous spirit you and yours have in opening up your home and hearts. wish i could have shown up for the campfire! one day...
♥ i'm thankful your birthday celebration continues ♥

Preppy Empty Nester said...

The sign is adorable! Happy birthday! Enjoy your weekend!

GranthamLynn said...

Lovely post. What a Blessing.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What a sweet sign!!!!

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