Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 10, 2016

She's Here!

 Isla Simone - 7lbs 5oz 20 1/2 inches  

Rachel, Lindsay, and I waited at the birth center and brought sparkling juices to celebrate and some sandwiches for the parents, knowing they'd be starving after delivery!

This evening we had dinner withe them and those who weren't at the birth center got to hold her!

Thank you God for this precious gift!

As I write this, my daughter in law is in labor and it looks like the girls will be born a day a part!  I need to catch a bit of sleep before I get the call from them to head in to the hospital.

We are rejoicing!  Thanks for your prayers for them!


Tammy said...

Wow, what a blessing, two babies in two days! I see a lot of joint parties in the future, lol. Congratulations to everyone.

Thankful for Grace said...

What a total sweetheart! So precious! Congratulations to your family on this beautiful gift from God.


Daniela said...

What a blessing, dearest Deanna !
I'm sending my most sincere congratulationas to all of you,
with my deepest love

Xx Dany

Vivielle said...

Congratulations! She's such a beauty! Looking forward to hearing about the second new blessing! :)

Theresa said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little one:) Can't wait to see the next one, you are truly blessed! HUGS!

Rebecca said...

Beautiful child; beautiful name. God bless her, her parents & entire family.

Cheryl said...

We rejoice with you at the arrival of this newest little blessing!! She is beautiful!!

And now we await the news of Klaire's arrival! Such excitement at your house these days!

Susanna said...

Congratulations, Deanna! What a gorgeous little doll baby!

Kelly said...

Great pics! I love the proud look on Uncle Kyle's face! Congratulations to all the family!

Melissa G said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures so fast.
Oh how i wish i could hop on a plane and come meet these two new beautiful family members.

Vee said... glad to know that she is here. She chose a lovely day to be born and I see that her daddy made it home. Yay!

Debby Ray said...

Awww...moving on to the next post now!

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