Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 13, 2018

Friday Five

Happy Friday, Everyone!

1.  Clark is 6 weeks old already!  This photo is from Emma's Instagram.

 2. My roses are still very pretty!

3. I love the pretty color candles on the chocolate cake.  This cake is from Costco (a warehouse store).  We think their cakes are delicious!

4. Tim and I sat in the cottage garden the other evening.  I deadheaded and he read.  We sat together then, enjoying the end of the day until the mosquitos drove us inside!  We did see a lovely sky...

5.  Sarah took this photo the other day, as evening was coming on.  The cottage garden from the living room window.

I had an extra busy week, with driving Sarah to her acting camp all this week, and babysitting my granddaughters.  Both girls had Hand, Foot, and Mouth virus, but Klaire was the most miserable, poor babe.  I've spent the last several days reading Susan Branch's books, Fairy Tale Girl and Martba's Vineyard Isle of Dreams.  I'm finishing that one this weekend.  What are you reading this summer?

I hope you have a lovely weekend!


Theresa said...

Beautiful pictures:) I hope you have a truly blessed Friday! HUGS!

Vee said...

Clark is precious... Hope that you get to see him again soon...

Sounds as if you had a very busy week...there is something nasty going around. Sorry that the grands caught it. Ugh. (My niece and family have been under the weather, too.)

Hope that you have a relaxing weekend with just the right amount of activity.

I’m meeting a blogger tomorrow, if The Lord is willing...and I’m sure that He is. It’s always exciting...

Sherry said...

every time i see your little grandson's name i giggle. ;)
such a doll baby. with the perfect name. ♥

Home Keeping

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