Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 2, 2018

Home Keeping: Re-Ordering The Kitchen

On Saturday, Tim had an emergency repair job to do at a customers' home.  He took Kyle with him and that left me home alone for a few hours.  

Our friends, Rick and Jane, had left us Friday morning continuing on their summer journey visiting family and friends, and spending a month at Lake Winnipesaukee with their grands.  Tim's sister and family headed home Saturday morning, and the girls were traveling home from their youth conference.

With only me here I took a bit of time to reorder my kitchen counters.  If you've read here any amount of time you know I love to change things up.  I think I'm just wired that way in my DNA.  You can see one of the many ways I've changed things around in the kitchen here.

Anyway, I pulled everything off my counters, cleaned them, and then moved some things around.  I'd had the plate rack on the big counter (like in the link) but the drink station was over on the counter by the sink.  I also had my red Kitchen Aid on the big counter next to the plate rack.

This time I separated the drink station leaving the coffee and tea on the counter by the sink, and moving the tea items to the big counter.

The plate rack and Kitchen Aid when on the red table in the corner. 

It works for me functionally, and visually.  Nothing seems to cluttered.  

What projects are you working on this summer?


Chy said...

Your reorder looks great!

Projects for this Summer include a bit of painting, finishing up our mudroom lockers, having a deck built on the back of the house, hoping to finish up as much of our landscaping as we can, in between rain showers and reorganizing and hopefully painting the inside of our garage. Such a big job. I wish now we had asked our builder to do that. Truthfully here most people leave their garages just at the stud stage. But we insulted and drywalled ours, hence wanting to paint the walls and ceiling so it's all finished. Dh has a workshop and we like the look of a completed space as well.

Wishing you a wonderful Summer!


Sylvia said...

I love rearranging things. Friday, I went to town with my daughter while another daughter, "daddy sit," and I bought a new sofa. The old one was ragged and torn and my hubby had a hard time getting up out of it. I also bought a new chair and ottoman and then rearranged the other furniture in the room. Makes one feel better, doesn't it.

Linda said...

I love your pretty kitchen things! Our biggest project is the guest room and Louis Dean woke up all happy and rested this morning so those bunk beds are as good as done!

Vee said...

This is a project that needs doing here. I can’t believe that after having a kitchen for over 43 years that there are some things I just haven’t figured out. At this point, I’m more about function than beauty. I have to paint the deck stairs, continue decluttering, burn or shred old documents (five trash bags full) and... I know that there’s more!

Vee said...

I hate when I just talk about me. 🙃 Your puttering about the kitchen has had good results. The real test will be if the family agrees. Sometimes it takes a bit of adjustment. I really like th plates and silverware out where it can be easily accessed...and it’s a cute look.

Kim said...

It looks lovely! I enjoy doing the same every now and then when I'm alone. I turn the music up, clear everything off the counters and start playing.

podso said...

I too like rearranging things, and even if its small, its so refreshing, and gives me a mental lift! Like what you did.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...