Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 20, 2018

Friday Five

We've had a lovely break in our hot, steamy weather.  The mornings have been delightfully cool and the high temps around 82.  Its still July so I doubt the heat of summer is over, but we'll enjoy this lovely break while it lasts.

1. This has been a big week for Sarah.  She got hired for her first 'real' job, and got her driver's permit.  I let her drive back roads yesterday and she did really well.  Come January we'll have another licensed driver in the family!  

2. I shared this on Instagram and wanted to share it here, too.  The Echinacea is doing great, despite our lack of rain.

3. I don't have a ton of blooms on this hydrangea, but they are so lovely.  (The deeper blue ones I shared are from the same bush)  These are David Austin roses as well.  The one on the left dropped its petals  this morning.  In this photo you can see how they go from a deeper pink to a very pale pink as they bloom out.

4. These Rudbekia are some of my favorite summer flowers.  They get to be about 6 feet tall, and are so cheery and pretty!

5.  These chickens are trained (by me) to expect a treat when they see me, or to at least hope for one.  Whenever I come outside, on the deck even, they gather around.  If they are not around I call "chick chick chick chick chick" and they come running from where ever they are!  

I've been enjoying the comments and am headed there to reply!  I was so cheered the other day and there were so many comments about tea and knitting.  I love the community that reads here!  Than you so very much!


Vee said...

Good for Sarah doing so well! How could you not have a treat for the chicks? I want a re-do. Enjoy these wonderful summer days...absolute perfection...glorious...delightful...there are not enough adjectives. Love that rudbeckia photo...looks like a July morning for sure.

Rhonda said...

Your flowers are beautiful! Another driver in the family - that's always been a hard one for me. I'm happy for them but scared for them too - so much independence! When our chickens were free range and I would step out the back door I would end up with three cats and four chickens trailing behind me to the feed bowl because they all knew they were going to get a treat. I love giving the chickens treats!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Love your chick-chickens. The milestones in our lives... something to celebrate indeed for your Sarah.
Your rudbeckia are looking quite dapper in that white pitcher. I'm 'patiently' waiting for mine. They are budding furiously now and are about 6 feet -- they were closer to 8 feet by the end of last summer, -- we'll see if they feel so inclined to scale so high up this summer. A little like Jack's bean stock. BTW, your rose is exquisite. // Happy Friday... Brenda xox

Lorrie said...

Sarah is growing up so quickly. Love the idea of training your hens - my daughter has some and I'll tell her about this. Summer days are so lovely and fleeting that it's important to make the most of them. Your hydrangeas and roses are so pretty. A wonderful five.

Kim said...

Congratulations to your fledgling driver. Exciting times for sure...and your chickens are adorable. I want some... ;)

Sue said...

My, I can hardly believe, your daughter Sarah will soon be driving, oh how time flies! Your flowers are so lovely, summer is certainly passing quickly, and like you, we are getting a break from the heat and humidity, enjoy!

podso said...

Congrats on Sarah's job and permit! She is blossoming! It's a treat to have the temps drop!

Rebecca said...

Love hearing/seeing your Friday Five!

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  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...