Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 26, 2018

This And That

I just have random things rolling around my mind this morning, so I thought a This and That post was in order.
I reorganized this cabinet that sits next to the kitchen door, but is mostly a part of the living room.  I kept everything I had on here, except a few canning jars that have now gone down to my basement storage area, I simply rearranged it. I like it better.

Mostly, I rearranged the books and split them up.  They used to be on just two shelves, but I think this arrangement looks better and more cohesive.

Vine by Firkin

I've decided to paint the living room, kitchen and hallway white.  I've not had white walls in this house ever, and we've been here for 17 years!  I'm continuing my quest to refresh and update the house!

Vine by Firkin

You know I've mentioned the app Marco Polo to you.  Its video texting.  This past few weeks its been so great because I've been able to MP with my sister in law who is keeping the whole family updated on their missions trip to Kenya, and with my niece who was wanting advice on painting her kitchen cabinets and knew I'd done mine.  Its been fun to watch the project and see the painting of rooms that have been done, as they are refreshing their house, too!

Vine by Firkin

Now on a much more serious matter - 

We are praying for many friends right now.  The world is full of hurting people, and I'm glad to know that I can ask my heavenly Father to work for good in their lives.  I want to share one of them with you and ask you to pray.  

A young man from a family we know was in a car accident on Monday.  His car hydroplaned into a pole.  He has some major injuries, but the main concern right now is potential brain damage from brain swelling.  They anticipated that the swelling would stop last night and this would be a dangerous time for him.  Please pray.  An update this morning was that he has some fluid building up in his lungs, that they are dealing with.  He is in a medically induced coma right now, but we do know that before they did that he was able to move all his extremities, which is good, because he has a chipped vertibrae in his spine.  He has to have surgery on a broken femur, he has a broken wrist, shoulder and ribs, and a partially collapsed lung. He's 17 years old.

Thanks for your friendship, and for the chance to encourage and lift one another up.  I value your visits here.


Sherry said...

1st :: i'm praying for your friend's son! & his family.
2nd :: loving what you've done with that book case.
i change out my books & magazines for the season. do you?
3rd :: white. hm... great minds and all. i'm of the mind to
change the kitchen and living room from yellow to white
but the hubs isn't totally on board. yet. he said we need to
finish some other projects before considering yet another.
whatever. .. wink.

Vee said...

Yes, will pray now for this precious young man so badly injured in that crash. I know that his family and friends are concerned. Medical comas are a blessing in times like these.

Your new arrangements look very nice. (I have aalso noticed that your skills as a photographer have grown by leaps and bounds since your early days as a blogger. Very nice! They’ve always been good and now are excellent.

Sue said...

I love to freshen things up too, Deanna, changing wall color makes such a difference. I haven't had white wall in many yrs. I know you are going to enjoy yours, your shelf looks great.
My thoughts and prayers are with the young man and his loved ones, God is so faithful!

podso said...

So sorry to hear about your young friend and just prayed. I like your new arrangement on the shelves--looks good. My DIL paid someone to "style" her many built in shelves and the look is similar to yours. One thing I noticed is all the pictures frames and facing fully outwards, not turned at an angle as I tend to do. I was really amazed at how well it all looked, and it caused me to do a little "restyling" of my own!

fiona said...

I will of course Pray for this young man for his full healing and recovery and also strength for his family x

White is always bright and fresh on walls .

I like your shelf decoration- the red of your plate and bowl ties in with the red books
and lamp at the side nicely.

Heather said...

Love getting to see your home and peek at your lovely books! I see those tasha tudor books on the shelf as well! Hope your friend's son is recovering and doing ok!

Home Keeping

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