Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tea on Tuesday - Emilie Barnes Books On Tea

Today, I thought I'd share the books I bought as a young married woman, that helped me in my love of tea, and planning tea parties!

I know many of you are familiar with Emilie Barnes and her delightful books.  I was priviledged to go to two of her seminars.  When I went to the first one, I found a kindred spirit in Emilie!

What books about tea do you love?  Is there an author you most relate to?

Sharing with Bernideen (I'll be back to link)

Tuesday Cuppa Tea

Also for those who are praying for Josiah (friend of the family):

Update on Josiah:
Jolene said that Josiah, although still quite sedated, was able to give the "thumbs up" a couple times and acts agitated when the nurses do things he doesn't like.  These are good signs.  They continue to slowly awaken him and this process could take most of the week depending on how he responds.  Pray that his brain activity will be normal and he'll be able to wake up soon so they can have a better understanding of what his rehab will look like.  
There was a wonderful article in the newspaper this morning.  Below, is the link if you would like to read it!  I am meeting Jolene at the hospital for lunch today so hopefully I'll have some more details on how we can specifically be praying for Josiah and their family.

The article below is about the day of his accident, the above information is the latest on his condition.  I'm seeing answered prayer in every update!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I loved Emily Barnes! Her book, If Teacups Could Talk, I believe inspired an entire generation of Christian women to begin collecting tea stuff. At least, we can blame it on her each time we see just one more orphan tea cup and saucer we just have to take home to our collection. ;)

Margie said...

I'm embarrassed to admit I've never read any of Emilie Barnes' book. Clearly, I'll have to remedy that!

My favourite book is called "The Tea Book" by Canadian author Linda Gaylard. I got to meet her a few times at tea festivals and she even signed the book for me!

Vee said...

So glad that Josiah is recovering. Thumbs up is always a good sign. I have two of the four books you’ve featured. I have one that’s a devotional around the theme of tea.

podso said...

I have several but it's Emilie Barnes I use the most.

Heather said...

I've never heard of Emilie Barnes, but these books sound so very charming! said...

Oh yes, I have two of those books also! Did you know that she wrote some organizational books? "15 minute Home Organizer". Basically, you write down on a 3x5 card chores that take 15 minutes or less, and you go through those daily/weekly/monthly.

fiona said...

I had never heard of these books until now.
Before commenting I looked them up and found
so many titles that interest me especially 15 minutes Alone with God and more hours in my day.
Thank you for Sharing

So Glad to hear there is improvement in Josiah's condition x

Jean | said...

Deanna, that's a lovely collection. I actually don't own any tea books. I know, that sounds impossible for a person who is so into tea, and books, as I am. But I grew up with tea, scones, tea sandwiches and tea treats; so … I'll have to check my local friend's tea book collection and see if she is missing any of these.

Bernideen said...

These books are all very wonderful as was the late Emelie Barnes. She was a wonderful lady. I do love my tea books and love having them as a source for recipes and ideas! Thanks for sharing and I have added Josiah's name to my prayer list.

Hill Top Post said...

What lovely books! I will be watching for Emily Barnes! Thanks for sharing!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...