Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday Five

I've had a busy week, with long days, so I slept in a bit today!  I need to drop Kyle later at friends' house, then groceries!

Now onto the Five!

1. I repainted my bathroom vanities yesterday.

I'll show you an 'after' when the hardware has been repainted and put back on.

2. Another Rose....

This one is growing by the deck at the back of the house.  Part of it had become diseased, so we cut it back, all the way, thinking we'd pull it out.  We didn't do that and the last few years its grown back and the roses have been so sweet.

3. I went to a local lighting store and looked at catalogs.  We have a broken pendant light in the kitchen (over the counter) and so we are going to move a matching one from over the sink.  So, I need to find a pendant for over the sink.

4.   My Mother's Day begonia is thriving, but the tablecloth is not.  Too many storms.  I'm buying a new one today.

5. For Vee - 

I've had an update on the young man I requested prayer for - 

Josiah remains in an induced coma.  His brain pressure and vitals were good yesterday. He had a procedure to insert a filter to prevent blood clots and that went really well.  Thank you to all who are praying! Praise God that Josiah is holding steady now and lets pray specifically that their would be no permanant brain damage from the accident and all the swelling. 

Thanks again for your prayers.  I'm talking to God about full recovery with no lasting damage to his brain!

Have a good weekend, friends!


Rebecca said...

Ahhhh. You HAVE been busy! Our week, too, has been full and fulfilling. So thankful for this season of life and the goodness of God.. ❤️

Rhonda said...

I'm glad you got to sleep in today - sometimes we just need to do that don't we! I love those pendants your are looking at - it would be hard to choose! Prayers for Josiah and a full recovery with no permanent brain damage.

Vee said...

That is a good report about Josiah. Still praying for him and for his family.

Hooray for the chickens getting a treat! I was pretty sure I didn’t have anything to worry about.

Lorrie said...

A great five for this Friday. Loved the little video for Vee! Prayers for Josh and a full recovery.

podso said...

Your refreshed cabinets look great. Thankful your friend's son is improving, or at least holding steady.

Sue said...

Praying for Complete healing for Josiah!
You have really been busy this week, I am so behind on my painting projects, your cabinet looks beautiful.After finishing canning my peas Monday, we decided to take it easy this week it has been nice to take a break. Monday I will be back to running. ~smile~

Have a blessed weekend.

Sandi said...

Praying for Josiah!

Linda said...

It's always special when I get to hear your voice when I visit!

Theresa said...

I will be praying for a full recovery as well! Enjoy your Saturday dear friend, HUGS!

fiona said...

Keeping Josiah in my thoughts and Prayers x

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...