Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 10, 2018

A Bit Of Cheer On A Rainy Day

Last evening after nearly everyone was gone, the kitchen table was moved and some swing dancing began.

Sarah is teaching Tim to swing dance, so I think I'll be practicing too!

The best thing is laughing together and sharing life with family and friends.


Vee said...

Looks like fun!

podso said...


Cheryl said...

That put a big smile on my face! Sweetness!

Jan said...

What fun! There was some swing dancing at our son and daughter-in-law's wedding reception. She, her brother and sister are masters at it-he was throwing them in the air and all around. It was quite a show! (The extent of my husband's and my dancing that day was when we we clodhoppered through a waltz, laughing hysterically as we stepped all over each other's feet!)

Rebecca said...

Well, that IS cheerful! ❤️

Theresa said...

Dancing is good for the soul, laughing is also:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Kim said...

How fun! Nothing better than dancing.

Tea and Friendship

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