Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Just A Few More Days

and we'll be headed north to take Rachel to Bible school.  I'm really going to miss her.  I'm grateful for how time flies, because that means she'll be back for Thanksgiving and then Christmas before we know it!

She's been doing 'all the things' with friends and family, trying to soak it all in.  Tonight she's hosting a bonfire here, and I hope it doesn't rain.

Last night, Lindsay and Joseph and Wes were here for dinner with us.  I made a big pot of chicken tortilla soup, and we watched a movie.
                                              Wes, Rachel, Sarah, Kyle, Joseph and Lindsay

You have no idea what it takes to pick a movie with these people!  Lol!

We ended up watching an old one that Wes had never seen - "While You Were Sleeping."  Sarah was determined that he get to see it, and as other things needed to be filtered, and Tim needed the laptop, she was successful.

Your prayers for us all are appreciated.  So thankful for Rachel's heart for God, her love for her family.  She has worked hard for two years to save enough money to go and be debt free when she finishes.

Hope you're all doing well, and having a good week.  We've had much cooler temps but nearly constant rain, and we are looking at some rain from Florence, this weekend. 

Are you in impact areas from Florence? Let us know in the comments, so we can pray for you!


Vee said...

Praying for the Carolinas and, with two more behind Florence, I am asking for God’s mercy on everyone who will be affected by these powerful storms. I imagine that we will get the trailings from any onshore hurricane as we usually do. We are still dealing with the trailings of tropical storm Gordon. Thankfully, it is mostly over.

How wonderful that Rachel worked so hard to pay for her schooling. Smart, smart gal! It will not be easy to say so long for now, but time surely does fly. She’s such a hard worker that she is going to excell. All the best to her!

Elizabethd said...

A friend of ours has just sent her daughter off to an '18 inch' Bible school, I 'm not sure which bit of USA, but she is loving it.

Cheryl said...

I know that this time with Rachel is bittersweet. How keenly we feel the empty spaces as they spread their wings, but how comforting it is to know that they are walking the path that God has for them. Praying for all of you during this transition.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

When Stephanie first "left" for college, she was only a couple miles down the road from where we lived (both kids lived at home the first two or three year since the University is so close). Even then, everything changed because the dynamics of our family life was never the same again. Although I love my son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, sometimes I think fondly of the days when both kids were still home (well, not Christopher's preschool years!). I'm sure she will be blessed and be a blessing in Bible Collage.

Rebecca said...

Things are changing for you! Sounds like your Rachel is making good choices. What exciting times....

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...