Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Garden: Late Summer

The cottage garden is looking pretty bedraggled at the beginning of September.  The high heat, and many days of rain, have stressed these plants.  Most of my roses have only bloomed through one cycle, but the David Austin's keep blooming.

Here are a few of the Princess Alexandra of Kent roses I cut last evening!

The rest of the garden is pretty well spent, and I weeded in the early evening last night, and have a lot more to do.  I'm ready to put this garden to bed for the year.

My mophead hydrangea is huge like every year, but due to the last several winters, I've had less than a dozen blooms on it.  I'm debating taking it out.  I hate to get rid of any plant that I love, and for many years it gave me dozens of blooms.  But now its too big for the space, and not blooming much.  I'm still thinking about it.

The limelight hydrangea are the only thing really blooming right now.  I'm thankful for that!

Once the heat breaks this weekend, I'll see about getting some mums for this space.  It will be nice to have cooler weather and a chance to sit out and enjoy the garden.

How are your gardens growing?


Debby Ray said...

Like yours, mine has certainly seen it's better days. The lantana is still blooming some but the veggies are all but gone...with the exception of the eggplants...they are still putting out bloom after bloom on it's shabby little stems with dried up leaves. Your roses still look so pretty.

Cheryl said...

Like yours, our limelight hydrangeas are still in bloom, although they show the beginning signs of fading. The knock out roses are still going strong.

Mums. Absolutely . Can't wait to get some!

Vee said...

My garden is looking pretty bad, I’m afraid. It hasn’t received much attention in all the heat and humidity. The hanging plants are just hanging in there. Lucky for them, it’s raining (lightning storm) so they are getting a drink. I’m too tuckered to bother. Hopefully, this storm means a break in the weather. This week has been positively oppressive. It was 96° in the shade not so many minutes ago. Since it has been an off year, what about cutting back your hydrangea and just waiting to see how it does next year. Fertilize well in the spring and hope for the best.

Elizabethd said...

David Austin's roses are absolutely the best!
My garden looks like yours, at the end of the season now and ready for sleeping.

podso said...

Ours is dreary too, though as far as veggies the Gardener replanted beans and they are bountiful. We've had very little rain this summer--at least at our house though people nearby us have had rain. Frustrating! Hey can you cut your hydrangea back?

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...